Kids SecuriDay Mentor Code of Conduct
The Kids SecuriDay Mentor Code of Conduct (the Code) outlines the obligations generally expected of all its mentors.
The Kids SecuriDay Values are:
• We respect and value diversity.
• Inspire, and have fun while doing it.
• Do no harm, understanding the consequences of our actions.
• We respect, value and seek to enhance the lives of those who participate.
• We value and support gender equality and women’s empowerment.
• We recognise and value the professionalism, skills and experience of our mentors and their contribution to community knowledge sharing.
• We value the support of our sponsors, donors and community partners.
• We value the freedom that comes from being an event which is independent of any religious or political affiliations and which does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, ability, ethnicity, age, religion or political affiliation.
As a Kids SecuriDay Mentor you are expected to:
• You are expected to maintain a high standard of personal conduct and recognise that our event will often be judged by the way you represent it;
• Behave honestly and with integrity and act with care and diligence in the course of your mentoring;
• Foster, promote and contribute to an environment that is fair, inclusive, equitable and free from any form of harassment or discrimination;
• Behave in a way that upholds the Kids SecuriDay Values and the integrity and good reputation;
• Work positively and collaboratively towards Kids SecuriDay achieving its vision and goals;
• Comply with local and federal laws in relation to the participatory nature of the activities;
• Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in Kids SecuriDay Team who has the authority to give the direction;
• Follow Kids SecuriDay processes for the public disclosure of information, including making public comment on behalf of Kids Securiday;
• Disclose, and take every reasonable step to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with your mentoring;
• Adhere to Kids SecuriDay’s policies and procedures;
• Use resources in a proper manner and not make improper use of inside information; or your position, status, power or authority, to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or advantage for yourself or for any other person.
Social Media:
Kids SecuriDay encourages and empowers our mentors to use their personal social media networks to share our stories and our work. Our mentors are sometimes our biggest advocates and we’d love to see everyone get involved in helping to spread news of our work. If you use your own resources to participate in social media in your own time, you are covered by the same broad principles as others who comment in a private capacity on public issues. Please feel free to share posts about your work with Kids SecuriDay, but kindly keep in mind the following points.
1. Be a good ambassador. Your behaviour and comments online reflect on the event, so do not engage in behaviour online that would not be acceptable at the event.
2. If your personal profiles identify you as having a role with Kids SecuriDay, please avoid making comments that could be interpreted as an official statement.
3. It is important to remember that social media is often unmoderated, and so the potential for offensive remarks and opinions is therefore greater than many other forms of public expression. A person who could be identified as a Kids SecuriDay mentor and who posted derogatory comments of Kids SecuriDay event or volunteers, or offensive, racist or obscene material even in their own time and using their own resources, would be in breach of the Standards of Behaviour/Representation section of the Kids SecuriDay Mentor Code of Conduct.
Official Public Comment to the Media:
Kids SecuriDay has nominated the event organiser and relevant members within the organising group as spokespersons who are authorised to communicate with the media. Unless specifically authorised, you should not communicate to the media any information concerning Kids SecuriDay or its activities. If you receive a media inquiry you should refer the journalist to the event organiser, who will then work with the journalist to answer their inquiry.
Breaches of the Code of Conduct
Kids SecuriDay treats breaches of the Code seriously. You have a responsibility to act consistently with the standards and expectations set out in the Code. Failure to comply with these standards and expectations may lead to disciplinary action which could include immediate termination of your volunteer status, and expulsion from the venue.
Reporting a breach
There are informal and formal ways of reporting a breach. If it is suspected that a breach has occurred then you are encouraged to raise your concerns informally in the first instance with the mentor’s supervisor. If the breach involves the supervisor then the suspected breach can be raised with the event organiser. If at any point you feel uncomfortable raising concerns with a staff member, the event organiser can always be contacted via phone or by email at