About Me


I'm a wife, mom, teacher, sister, auntie, and friend. I've been married to an amazing guy named Paul for 21 years! Together we have two handsome sons, who are not so little anymore. Nathan is a sophomore at Grand Canyon University and Noah is a freshman at Cherokee Trail High School. I also have five nephews. Oh, and I can't forget our dog Ace! Yep, I'm surrounded by handsome dudes and am one blessed girl.

This will begin my 5th year at Southeast! My previous teaching experience includes 11 years of public, charter, private, and home school. To round out my resume, I have also been a children's librarian and on staff in Children's ministry in a mega church.

I am so excited to be your partner on this journey that we call a school year! I care deeply for your students - spiritually, academically, and socially. I endeavor to be a support and encouragement in your responsibility as parent.