Religious Education

St. Joseph/St. Peter CCD

St. Teresa Religious Education

K-6th grades meet from 6:15-7:15pm on Wednesdays during the school year.

7-12th grades meet in small groups at times that work for their group. Each group is divided by grade and gender, and are led by 2 group leaders of the same gender.

K-6th grades meet from 6:15-7:15pm on Wednesdays during the school year. Parents of these students come in one Wednesday per month for a teaching night, and do one home lesson a month with their students.

7-12th grades meet in small groups at times that work for their group. Each group is divided by grade and gender, and are led by 2 group leaders of the same gender.

Letter to parents

2018-19 Letter to Parents.pdf

St Joseph CCD Calendar

St Teresa Religious Ed Calendar

2021-22 K-6th St Joseph CCD Calendar.docx
2021-22 Religious Ed Calendar (1) (2).docx
2018-19 Calendar for Parents.pdf