Meet the SEND Team

The SEN Assessment and Review Team

31 January 2024

Q: As a parent, can I get a copy of all notes held by school SEN department regarding my child? If I have asked for these records, how long should I expect to wait? 

A: Those with parental authority can request access to a child’s education record under education regulations.

If a parent makes a request for a copy of the record, this must also be provided within 15 school days. 

Accessing pupils' information | ICO



Q: If my child does not have academic needs but does have other mental health issues such as sensory issues, anxiety, OCD, should we still expect to receive support from school? What support can we expect to receive? What would be considered a timely manner for this support?

A: You can check on the school website and ask your school what they offer to support a child’s mental health.  They should be able to signpost you to some short-term strategies and support.

Services to support young people’s mental health can be found on the Blackpool SEND Local Offer. These services are provided by the NHS and there are different levels of support on offer.  Some are for support in school, some are community and others are clinic-based. As it is a health need and provided by the health service, it's not always in the school’s control how long a child must wait for support.

To speak to someone, call the Options for Children and Young People Team on 0800 121 7762 who will support you. Young people and families can also self-refer and the link to this form is on the Local Offer. Blackpool local offer | Young people's mental health support


Q: Who can we turn to for help when the school SENCO does not offer appropriate support?


Q: How can I raise a complaint about the SENCO and what ramifications are there if the SEND Code of Practice hasn’t been followed?

A: I would start with the school website which should have their SEND Offer or SEND Policy which is a duty as part of the Code of Practice. That will outline what the school offers, including how they identify children with SEND, what support they will put in place through the Graduated Approach which is the assess- plan – do – review.

If you don’t feel your child or young person is getting the support they need you would follow the school’s complaints procedure; usually the complaint would go to the Headteacher which you would need to put in writing. If you’re not happy with the response from the Headteacher, you would need to share your concerns with the Chair of Governors.

Alternatively, if you are not sure if this issue should be considered a complaint you might want to contact SENDIASS. They are independent and their contact details can be found on the Blackpool SEND Local Offer. They will be able to help you understand the role of the SENCo, explaining what the SENCO can and can’t do.



Q: What support can we expect for our child from SENCO during the transition to high school? 

A: We are working with schools to support that transition from primary to secondary school, we encourage all professionals to share as much information as possible in the summer term, but ultimately every school will have their own approach to transition.

Make the most of open evenings and get to know your new high school SENCO as your child could have a completely different experience in their new setting. You can request a meeting with the new school before your child starts and take your questions with you. If you feel more comfortable, take a friend or family member with you as it can be a lot of information to take in.

Another option is to speak to the Blackpool Parent Carer Forum as they have lots of experience in supporting parents through this transition.



Q: Is it acceptable for a SEN department to refuse to assist with an autistic diagnosis if they are ‘up to budget’ with assessments, think your child will not receive a diagnosis as they are academically able and if they think you might not wish for your child to be ‘labelled’?

A: The neuro developmental pathway (NDP) can be complicated for schools and parents, especially in situations where the child is maintaining their behaviour and challenges in one setting, and then melting down in another. We know this can be so frustrating for parents, carers and teachers, who may feel they’re not being believed or supported.  The process for an ND assessment is for all professionals involved with that child to submit their information.  Schools can only comment and share what they have observed.  Our colleagues in health do understand that children and young people can behave differently in contrasting situations.

Again, SENDIASS can support you with this, however, it is worth having a good conversation with your SENCO about your concerns first as the NDP is a long process and if school aren’t seeing those behaviours, it will be difficult to gather a rounded view of the child’s needs.


Q: Why is there not a back door system for children who have not been in educational settings so the EHCP process has not started? Can they be deferred for a year?

A: The important thing to note is there is no back door for EHCP systems as it is a statutory process. It is not within our role to accelerate assessments or defer decisions. What we do have is an amazing SEND Support Team that work with schools for children who do not have an EHCP. They will support the SENCOs in schools to meet the needs of children without the need for an EHCP or a specific diagnosis. We also have an excellent Educational Psychology Team, or if they are in the Early Years, the Early Years Quality and Inclusion Team can support settings and families. For more information and videos about the EHC needs assessment and time frames, please see our Blackpool SEND Local Offer.

I’m happy to discuss this in more detail if my response doesn’t fully answer your question. If you would like to email for the attention of Charlotte Baron.


Q: When a child is placed in foster care and not been seen by professionals but clearly has additional needs, they are unable to access Blenheim as the waiting list is so long, taking them past the age of referral.

A: Blenheim does not sit within the SEND Service, it is part of the health team. What I would urge you to do on this as it’s so specific is email and we can make sure your question goes to the right people so they can give you the most up to date and correct answers. Blenheim Child Development Centre :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals