Results from this site
Course story
Operating System (CPA310). Spring, 2023. HW#01. Process state transition (Best works). Spring, 2019. The last offline class. 3분반. 4분반 ...
Last modified on Mar 29, 2023
Team Projects
Prior Team Projects. This page shows the team-projects students did in our multi-core programming course (CSE 244, KOREATECH ...
Last modified on Aug 24, 2023
Contracts and Grants Current support 초고해상도 홀로그램 생성을 위한 고성능 CGH 기술 개발, 지역대학우수과학자지원사업, NRF, PI, 2021.06 ...
Last modified on Jul 14, 2024
Adv. Parallel Computing
Advanced Parallel Computing (240199). Classes(Fall, 2020) - Class overview [PDF] [Video] Tue. 19:30~22:30 / Online Instructor ...
Last modified on Aug 24, 2023
DEMO. AI models Image super-resolution [link] Hologram super-resolution [link]. Robotics / Autonomous vehicle. SLAM and Navigation ...
Last modified on Mar 21, 2024
Last modified on Jan 4, 2023
Team Projects
C Programming Team Projects. Fall, 2020 C Programming II (Course homepage link). 구해조 마블 (★ 최우수프로젝트 ★ ...
Last modified on Jan 4, 2023
Publications. Search at Google scholar (click) * SCI (Science Citation Index)-listed journal / + SCI-E (Science Citation Index - Extended)-listed ...
Last modified on Jan 4, 2023
Operating System (CPA310). More pictures are available on the course story page. Classes(Spring, 2019) - Class overview (PDF) CPA310-03 (Mon ...
Last modified on Jan 4, 2023
Publications. Search at Google scholar (click). 2024 H2HSR: Hologram-to-Hologram Super-Resolution with Deep Neural ...
Last modified on Aug 27, 2024
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