

What in the heck is this thing?

It's what you might get if you could do a mash-up of: 

Its packaged as a standalone client side application to make it easy to connect to one or more Solr Clusters as well as other APIs of your choosing.

Its built as a Node.JS web application packaged using Electron (https://www.electronjs.org/apps) to be easily installed on any operating system . . . just the same as some other applications you may use: 

How mature is this software?

Pre-Alpha. But with your help we could indeed make it to Alpha.

How can you help?

Start by sending us an email about your experience trying to use the Navigator . . . if you like it we will always accept donations for more coffee =) to keep us feverishly coding away new features !

How can you get your questions answered?

Simple send us an email - see our contacts page: Contact