The seal approach

SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language) is a powerful English Learner-focused approach to education rooted at the intersection of research and educational equity. The bedrock values are a commitment to further developing the intellectual and linguistic genius of young children, honoring the value and role of a family’s culture and language in students’ lives, and helping teachers cultivate the skills and mindset they need to become powerfully effective educators. SEAL is successful because it is a comprehensive, whole-school strategy. It encourages preschool and school district leaders, principals, teachers, and families to establish systems and practices that support language development, literacy, and engaging, joyful learning— for English Learners, and ALL students.

SEAL addresses English Learner needs at all levels — practice, research, policy and advocacy — to create long-term systemic changes.

Practice, Research, Policy & Advocacy image


We partner with schools over multiple years to train teachers in research-based pedagogy, spark cross-school collaboration, and build internal coaching and leadership capacity to support English Learners.


We conduct research in classrooms, pilot new approaches, and publish insights to advance the field’s understanding of what works for English Learners.


We engage district leaders, educators and other education stakeholders, using our research, practice, and analysis to connect them to opportunities to advocate for policies that centralize the needs of English Learners.


To learn more about our impact visit the SEAL website and register for our Newsletter!Don’t forget to follow us on social media
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