Visiting the site, bounded by the greens, blues and flying wings,

Brings me here more often to ingest the land.  

Wished i could make a space for individuals to meditate in between nature. 

A structured followed routine with bare minimum eye interplay, 

My day ends quickly as the sun sets. 

To a city life chosen outskirt the region, I have to makeway.

Dark streets, silence nearby Is what I get.

A fluent silence spread across me, with a pulse running slow,

I think, I write, I scribble, I draw! 

My studio has an endless boundary spread across forest adjacency,

Trees being the stockpile of many unknown incidents, 

with roots spreading messages beyond!

My Idea of forest being an endless storyteller in an incarnated living form.

A heap of fruits, seeds, branch and stem, 

With a layer of blood, fish and bone.

A garbage dump aroused! 

Who knew it would create safety for us? 

A different life formed on every edges,

New stories to peek into, 

How can one assure the idea of safety and security?

When there is a plate served for the prey.

A less uninviting edge on the top,

With an exposed road towards the chaotic life.