PTMS Physical Education 

Welcome to PE!  During the year ahead we will work together and learn together about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, in both mind and body.  Be open, be curious and be willing to do your best.   There is a lot of opportunity ahead.       - Coach Gilson

                          Coach Gilson

I am excited to meet you!  This will be a great year and I'm happy I have the opportunity to teach you about physical education and wellness.  I can't think of anything more important!  What we will learn and do can build your confidence, keep you healthy and help you learn about yourself and others.

I've been teaching science, PE or both in SDUHSD since 2000.   I graduated from SDSU with a B.S. in Kinesiology and have a Masters in Education.   I am married, have 2 sons and a bunch of pets.  Our family loves to camp and visit as many cool places as we can.  I like to be active and stay fit doing things like walking, jogging, the gym, hiking and yoga.  

 My teaching goal is to create an environment that makes you feel like you're willing to try.  I don't expect everyone to be an athlete,  but I know everyone can do their version of their best.  My personal goal is to  practice what I preach and I look forward to learning along with you.  

If you need to contact me, please email me: