Course information

Syllabus. 8th Grade Science Syllabus MARETH 2019-20

Syllabus 2019-20

MARETH Classroom Rules & BYOD

Class rules * BYOD policy

Lab safety Contract 2017-18.pdf

Lab safety

Science Notebook Explained

Science notebooks explained

Checkpoint Quizzes

Checkpoint Quiz Rubric

Checkpoint quizzes are short formative assessments, where students are asked to show their understanding of a specific topic. The content assessed is based on the last few labs / activities preformed in class and these quizzes are given roughly twice a month. The answers give the instructor a glimpse of individual and class understanding as well as common misunderstandings during the midst of a unit. This helps the teacher tailor instruction to help better prepare students for future assessments.

To earn full credit, students need to apply content, utilize vocabulary words, write in complete sentences, and go “above and beyond” by supporting their claims with evidence from in-class labs. Students that provide basic answers to the question will earn a 9/10.

First semester, students who score below a 9/10 are able to re-write their checkpoints, earning up to a 9/10. Rewrites are due within a week and must be attached to the original scored index card. Second semester, rewrites are only available to students who earn less than a 7. These students may rewrite their index cards for no higher than a 7.

What to do about missing work

I was absent

  1. Look at the class calendar to see what you missed (please DO NOT ask me before checking here).
  2. Make up the work you missed within 1 week of returning.
    • If you missed a lab, see me for the data or the alternative assignment, if applicable.

Oops... I forgot!

  1. Look at the class calendar/Aeries to see what you missed.
  2. If you're ready to turn in the assignment 1 day (next class period) after the due date, use your day-of-grace (DOG) pass.
  3. If you missed the time frame to use a DOG pass (it has been over 1 day from the due date), or have used all your passes, please complete the work within 1 week of the due date to receive 50% credit.
    • Missing work will be changed from an orange box to a "0" after 1 week. Late work will not be accepted past 1 week.

Helpful Hints

How to know if you have missing work

  • missing work shows up as a blank score for an assignment that has already been graded (NOTE: empty scores for assignments that have not been graded are not missing!)
  • WARNING: the mobile Aeries app does not give a complete view of scores, so before you assume something is missing, check the online version
  • check the "Description" associated with that assignment and look for a link or explanation for what is missing
  • check the "Comments" box for a note that might explain why the work is missing

Technology Resources