How to Submit a Request to our Support Team using ServiceNow

  1. Login to ServiceNow ( with your SDSUID

  2. At the landing page, click on Get Help

  3. A request form will be brought up with the following fields.

    1. How can we help?

      • Enter in a title for your request

    2. Additional details

      • Enter in as much detail as possible regarding your issue into this field

    3. Are you requesting help for someone else?

      • Indicate if you are submitting the issue on another person's behalf.

NOTE: If you are submitting on another person's behalf, you will not receive email notifications unless you are added to the watchlist

    1. Is there anyone you would like to add to the watch list?

      • Add any other person(s) to receive email notifications on this service request.

    2. Add attachments

      • Add any images or files that will help with your request

  1. Click Submit when all fields are completed

  2. Once submitted, the service request will automatically be routed to the Research Foundation ServiceNow Assignment Group