8th Grade



Course Overview

In 8th grade students learn and use the habitats and techniques of scientists, including setting up experiments and making observations. Students will explore the foundation of chemistry and physics by reading, writing, conducting experiments and analyzing data.

Big Questions:

  • How do you describe the motion of an object?

  • How do objects react to forces?

  • How do machines make it easier to do work?

  • How is energy conserved in a transformation?

  • How does heat flow from one object to another?

  • How does an electric circuit work?

  • How are electricity and magnetism related?

  • How is matter described?

  • Why does a substance change state?

  • How is the periodic table organized?

  • How can bonding determine the properties of a substance?

Text and Supplies

Pearson Interactive Science: Forces and Energy

Pearson Interactive Science: Introduction to Chemistry * distributed in the second half of the year

Daily Supplies: pen or pencil, earbuds, science workbook, 3 ring binder

Virtual Lab Supplies: cm ruler with a hole in it, rubber band, general arts and crafts supplies (supplies with be specified early)

Grading Expectations

Final Grades:

  • 22% from each marking period

  • 12% from final exam

Quarterly Grades

  • 10% Participation Grades

    • Graded on completion includes some classwork, some homework

  • 90% Academic Grades

    • Graded on accuracy includes some classwork, some homework, projects, assessments, lab write-ups

Classroom Grading Scale




77-79= C+

70-76= C

65-69= D

Below 65 = F

Image of Ms. Franks

About Ms. Franks

About me: After high school, I was very curious about the world and how it worked, especially on an atomic level. I studied biochemistry in college and earned my masters in multicultural education. I began my teaching career in high school science, teaching physical science, biology and chemistry. After seven years teaching in South Philadelphia, I taught at an American school in the Dominican Republic for three years. I came to Springfield Township Middle School as a Spanish teacher, but started teaching science in my second year at the school. I have taught both 7th grade life science and 8th grade physical science here at STMS.

I have one high school age daughter and a delightful dog, named Max.