Subsurface Geomechanics Laboratory at SD Mines

Engineering Subsurface Reservoirs for Geo-Energy Recovery and Storage 

Zhi Ye, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Geology and Geological Engineering

South Dakota Mines

501 East St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701, (605)394-2461

Faculty Profile   Google Scholar  LinkedIn 

Welcome to the Subsurface Geomechanics Laboratory (SGL) at South Dakota Mines. Our goal is to integrate multidisciplinary knowledge of geomechanics, geophysics, rock physics, and engineering rock mechanics to explore the coupled THMC (thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical) processes of rocks and rock fractures, as well as their associated seismic response when subjected to fluid injection within the Earth's upper crust. Through our geomechanics research, we strive to  provide valuable insights for engineering geo-energy and storage reservoirs in an efficient manner, while also addressing environmental concerns. Our research focuses on various fundamental and application areas, including rock deformation under HPHT conditions, hydraulic fracturing, frictional fracture slip, deep geothermal energy, geological carbon storage, unconventional shale resources, and induced seismicity.

We currently have two openings for graduate students (Ph.D. preferred) and a few openings for undergraduate students. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Zhi Ye at for more information.