About us

There are 23 ordinary classes, 7 kindergarten classes, 700 students and 75 teachers and administrative staff when Xiu De Primary School was founded.

【Special Features 】

一、Large space and user-friendly space design

The campus covers 20,007 square meters in "E" shape building design with lots of carefully divided wide spaces for teaching area, activity area, and administrative area. They are seperated according to their designated functions and will not interfere with each other. The long corridors extend properly and their moving lines go smoothly.

二、Modern audio-visual facilities enrich pupils' studies

We have 1 computer classrooms, 1 language labratory, 1 audio-visual classroom, and 1 studio. Each classroom has multmedia sets to provide kids with various learning media. In addition, there are an open library and many content-oriented classrooms to widen the pupils' study fields.

三、Teachers are young and full of love

Teachers are young and full of love. They are not only the kid's teachers but also the kid's mentors. Presentations, seminars, and workshops are often held at the school to enhance teaching capabilities.

四、Greenland provides a recreation space for the community

Make our school like a park. The school resources can be shared by the community. Every corner in the school can offer a learning space to boost the effect of potential courses. The school is open to the community on holidays for sports and recreation to promote the life quality of the citizens.

五、Parents' involvement reinforces teacher-parents cooperation

Each year the school has a sports show, a parents-kid carnival, an open house, a year end fireside talk, field trips, and various classes for parents such as folk dance, Yoga, paper art, and calligraphy classes etc.

六、Open education returns to the nature of education

Promote morning session activities, music dancing at morning break, chorus competitions, concerts, jogging, tug of wars, relay races, parade tournaments, dodgeball contests, rope jumping contests, etc.