AVID Schoolwide Resources for Teachers

SDoJ Recruitment Planning

SDoJ AVID Recruitment Plan and Schedule.docx

SDoJ Seconday Instructional Framework

SDoJ Secondary Instructional Framework
SdoJ Teacher Performance Indicators - Stronge Model One Page
Jefferson WICOR Lesson Design

AVID Schoolwide Lesson Plan

Lesson plan format that integrates WICOR strategies and GRR. SDoJ is committed to shifting to "we do" and "you do" as this aligns with increased student engagement and collaboration. 

To insist on RIGOR, it is imperative for staff to develop grade-level aligned Essential Questions for each lesson. The question is the foundation of the lesson develop and aligning WICOR supports. Here is a resource on developing Essential Questions.  

WICOR Strategies

WICOR® is an instructional approach that places students at the center of their learning by empowering them to take ownership and agency of their thinking and learning. Each component includes strategies that engage both teachers and students. WICOR involves intentional instructional decision-making by teachers to provide students with opportunities to demonstrate what they know and what they can do with rigorous course content, which in turn builds skills and behaviors that support college and career readiness.

Teachers in all content areas can intentionally incorporate WICOR strategies into their daily lessons. WICOR strategies are effective in any instructional setting, including face-to-face, blended, and virtual learning.

WICOR 1-pager



Writing is:

Students who write:

The AVID curriculum supports writing through the use of:

Writing Process


Inquiry is:

Students who inquire:

The AVID curriculum supports inquiry through the use of: 

AVID Inquiry Learning Process 


Collaboration is:

Students who collaborate:

The AVID curriculum supports collaboration through the use of:


Organization is:

Students who organize:

The AVID curriculum supports organization through the use of:

*Clear essential questions and learning targets


Reading is:

Students who read:

The AVID curriculum supports reading through the use of:

General WICOR Resources 

Link to AVID Clap Document

AVID Claps


AVID Claps - List with descriptions 

AVID Claps 

Videos of AVID Claps: 

