Gaps in Services to Marshallese Task Force

Welcome To Northwest Arkansas!

Here in the Natural State, there is something for everyone to enjoy. As new residents of Northwest Arkansas, we urge you to take advantage of all this growing region has to offer — everything from outdoor recreation to contemporary attractions. Arkansas has a large varieties of beautiful sightseeing locations and fun, thrilling activities. It has the largest Marshallese population in the continental United States with the highest concentrations in Carroll, Madison, Washington and Benton counties. Here in Arkansas, we have many job opportunities and ways to get involved in the community. We have over 240,000 small businesses all across Arkansas with around 477,000 workers employed in these. It is important for you and your family to have access to the resources you need for housing, employment, transportation, education and healthcare. These are all essential for quality living in Northwest Arkansas.

Our Mission

This task force recognizes the increasing population of Republic of the Marshall Islands migrants in Arkansas, and the limited resources available to the service providers to assist them, and provides an opportunity for the State of Arkansas, private agencies and non-profit organizations to address the needs of this migrant community in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.