Welcome to the wis band page!

Class overview

Students will learn how to play an instrument, how to read music and how to blend and balance their sound along with their peers in a cooperative learning environment.  Most importantly:  Band is about having FUN!

Clicking the picture below will take you to a TED Ed (TED Talk) YouTube video.  It truly is a fantastic illustration of the inner machinations of the brain while playing a musical instrument.  Enjoy!

About Mr. Collins....

Obviously, I LOVE music!  Being a percussionist, I have way too many drums and other instruments in my house.  I enjoy gaming, longboarding, spending time with my dog Marley and I'm always eager to learn new things about the world of Science.  If I could live somewhere else, it would definitely be somewhere that I could surf.  I can't wait to learn about all the cool and unique things that my students enjoy!

Some band memes for your enjoyment