Classroom Procedures
Start of Class
When in the room you are in your assigned seat
Sit in assigned seat when the bell rings (otherwise counted as tardy)
Sharpen pencils before the tardy bell rings (no sharpening pencils during teacher directions)
Begin the warm-up/check the board for the start of class directions
Your assignment notebook is placed on the corner of the desk, ready for check-in
CHAMPS review (Communication, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, Success)
Getting Materials/Supplies/Equipment
Classroom supplies are in the bin located on the counter underneath the Mathematician sign
Teacher desks are off-limits to students
Classroom supplies are accessed before the tardy bell rings or during independent work session
You must have your assignment notebook in order to request a locker visit
Collecting assignment
Incomplete classwork should be finished for homework and put on the desk at the beginning of class.
Assignments are turned in to the teacher unless instructed otherwise
Make- up work
It is a student's responsibility to make up any missing work. Check the pocket chart for extra copies/ check Google Classroom for assignments
In general, you have one day for each day absent to finish the missing work
Finishing classwork early (These are your choices when you finish early -remember to make sure you continue to work quietly)
Check your work for neatness and double-check for any mistakes
Read a library book/magazine
Organize your binder, folders
Study your notes or rewrite your notes
Work on IXL math or other classwork
Seatwork/Individual work
Work without talking during individual work (wait to talk)
There is no helping or sharing with classmates during these assignments (ask a teacher for help if you have questions)
These are your options when you have a question but the teacher is working with a small group:
1. Reread directions or skip to the next part
2. Quietly check with your study buddy (don’t draw attention to yourselves)
3. Work on another assignment or do silent reading until its check-in time with the teacher
Partner work/Group work
Use quiet voices during partner/group work
Only one person at a time is allowed out of their seat (divide jobs)
Do your fair share of the work (if you take an answer you must share an answer)
Help each other to do your best and don’t leave anyone out
Stop talking/working when the teacher says “Freeze”
Class discussion
No side conversations
Speak in a classroom voice (no shouting out/yelling)—Volume Level One
When we brainstorm speak one at a time without interrupting (be patient)
End of Class
Begin to clean up/put materials away only after given instructions to do so
Return materials, supplies back in the appropriate place/straighten up work area (good time to throw away garbage)
Remain in seat or stand by seat until teacher dismisses the class (no "haunting the doorway")
Leaving the room during class
Emergency: Interrupt if you feel sick or faint, nosebleed, etc.
Non-Emergency: If you need a Band-Aid, water, bathroom break or locker then you must wait to ask until the teacher is done giving instructions. Do not interrupt class discussion or student questions. You must have your assignment notebook for bathroom/locker sign-out.
Listen carefully to new instructions (face the teacher, stay in your seat, wait to talk)
Put away materials and get new ones quickly and quietly
Quietly organize your work area when listening to directions
Tests and Quizzes
During tests/quizzes, you may use ‘privacy protectors’ (prop an open file folder around your paper)
No talking (if you have a question raise your hand to get the teacher’s attention)
If you finish early, raise your hand and I will collect your test (I may remind you to double-check your work) and you may read a library book/magazine
During individual timed tests you must work/read quietly while you wait for your turn (no talking/disruptions of any kind)
Do not interrupt the teacher during an individual timed test. Wait until the timed test is completed or raise your hand to get help from the classroom aide
No talking during the presentation/ head is up
You are responsible for completing the video guide/notes
You may not ask to leave the class for non-emergencies during this time (no bathroom or locker visit requests)
When we have a guest teacher
Follow the directions exactly and treat the guest teacher respectfully/politely
Remember to represent your best!
Emergency Drills
When you hear the alarm stop what you are doing and line up at the door
We will walk quickly to the designated building exit (see poster by doorway)
Walk without talking to the designated area and wait silently for directions
If you are in the hallway or bathroom leave quickly and quietly to join the nearest classroom group exiting the building. Tell the teacher your name and what class you were in when the alarm went off
When you hear the alarm stop what you are doing and line up at the door
Walk quickly and quietly to the media center hallway
Sit along the wall area located before the double doors
Sit quietly with arms over your head/neck area and listen for directions
If you are in the hallway or bathroom leave quickly and quietly to join the nearest classroom group. Tell the teacher your name and what class you were in when the alarm went off
In the classroom- sit under your desk/table
In the hallway/bathroom- quickly move to the nearest classroom
Intruder (A.L.I.C.E. - Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate)
Follow all teacher directions quickly and quietly
If you are in the hallway or bathroom, move quickly and quietly to join the nearest classroom