Family Assessment Walkthrough Videos

Assessment Overview By Grade Level

Assessment Guide for Families 2022-2023 - Google Docs.pdf

Videos for Families

Fountas & Pinnell Reading Benchmark

This video will help you understand your child's reading level as measure by F&P.

FastBridge Family Overview

This video will aid you in understanding how FastBridge assessments for Reading and Math are used in our District.

Students in grades 1st to 8th Grade take the Math Automaticity Assessment.

Students in grades 2nd to 6th Grade take the Reading Fluency Assessment.

Students in Kindergarten take a combination of Number Identification & Number Sequence for Mathematics

Students in Kindergarten take a combination of Letter Name, Letter Sound, and Word Segmentation in Reading.

NWEA MAP Assessment Family Walkthrough

This video will walk families through the Student Progress Report for MAP. Students in grades 2nd to 8th grade take the MAP assessment for Reading and Math three times per year.

WIDA ACCESS Assessment

This video will walk families through the WIDA ACCESS Student Report. All students who receive Language Support as part of our EL program take this State Assessment Yearly.