During the school year 2019-20, Skokie School District 73.5 engaged in an equity audit. An equity audit is a proactive opportunity for districts to critically examine the ways equity has been advanced in their district. At the same time, it also aids in the identification of needed improvement. There are numerous definitions of equity. The consistent theme in quality equity definitions includes language that clearly states school systems are responsible for their own inequities, particularly among historically marginalized populations. Those populations include but are not limited to people of color, differently-abled individuals, English Language Learners, immigrants, religious minorities, and other minoritized affinity groups. To achieve a collective vision of multifaceted equity in our district and community, we have begun developing a District Equity Action Plan, which will serve as an institutional resource and roadmap for achieving institutional and structural change.

Skokie School District 73.5 recognizes that every staff member is accountable for the District Equity Action Plan and is committed to overcoming barriers that have been identified in the equity audit. Skokie School District 73.5 firmly believes that excellence for all can only be achieved through equity. Every stakeholder must be working toward educational equity—beginning with our district. This website will serve as a central location for sharing our progress and planning for this important work.

District Equity Leadership Team (DELT)

The District Equity Leadership Team (DELT) is composed of District 73.5 employees committed to the belief that excellence for all can only be achieved through equity. DELT members meet throughout the year to engage in conversations and activities around equity and to create and carry out the District Equity Action Plan.

District Equity Action Plan (DEAP)

The District Equity Action Plan (DEAP) developed by DELT was designed to put a theory of change into action to achieve a collective vision of multifaceted equity in our district and community. This carefully considered plan will be our roadmap for working toward achieving institutional and structural change, which requires resources to implement: time, money, skills, and effort. Objectives embedded within the DEAP are based on experience and research, yet are flexible enough to account for innovation and adjustment as we take on the implementation of the plan.