General Information

Showcase is our semi-annual talent show. Students with a performance talent are encouraged to put together a short (3 or 4 minute) act and then come to the auditions. We are also encouraging visual display such as Art or Photography Portfolios displays or home made Video Projects. When necessary, our staff will help get interested performers fine tuned for their time in front of the camera! The types of acts vary widely. Many students will choose to sing, dance, or play an instrument - either alone or in a small group. We usually have a couple of rock bands, some skits , and a few showcasing other talents - for example: soccer ball juggling, juggler(s), karate, magic, etc. We welcome any act demonstrating a performance talent accompanied by a degree of skill (ie: we don't want anyone embarrassed on stage).

Because of COVID19 we are moving to an online format. Performances will be recorded in small group settings. Performers in an Act should all be from the same school cohort. Online access to the video will be given to Parents/Guardians only with the understanding that the Performance should not be copied or shared. Parents may request a copy of their own child's performance for use at their discretion (assuming agreement from the parents/guardians of other students in the recording).

Step 1: Your Audition

Auditions are nearly Complete! We just have a few to catch up on. Now it's time to finish preparing for Step 2.

Plan, prepare and practice your act. The suggested act length is 2 to 4 minutes.

Then, sign up for an audition. Information will be posted on the bulletin board outside the Office. You may choose either Tuesday, March 2 or Thursday, March 4. When you sign up for an audition be sure to pick up a Performer Details form. You need to bring your filled out form to your audition.

Come to your audition with a performance–ready act. You must bring all instruments, music, accompaniment, costumes needed for your act to the audition. Performers need to audition with a polished skill. You could be submitting a photo essay, an art portfolio or a video demonstrating your skill in one of those areas. In that case your audition would be to show an example of your work.

You won’t be judged. Our auditions are intended to show what your act looks like & then you might receive some ideas on how to improve it. It’s really important that all the acts are seen in advance of the performance.

Step 2: Your Rehearsal

Following your audition you will be notified if your act has been accepted or if you need to re-audition. Re-auditions occur when an act needs more preparation. This isn't a bad thing, it simply means that with a little more work, and maybe some help from a teacher, your act will be ready to go.

We will be rehearsing acts on May 17 & 19. This gives you the opportunity to perform in front of the camera without worrying about making mistakes. You should treat this as a Dress Rehearsal - arrive with everything for your act including your costume - just like it was the real thing.

Rehearsals are not the time to perfect your act. You need to take the time between the Auditions and the Rehearsals to practice and get ready. The rehearsals are intended to help you get familiar with the performance space, the equipment you'll be using, the lighting, etc. It also gives the stage hands a chance to practice their jobs so that they can do a good job supporting you while you perform.

You need to come to your rehearsals completely ready to perform. Music (eg: mp3) needs to have been submitted in advance (you will be notified about when & how to do this). You need to be in costume, with EVERYTHING you need to perform, as if this was the final performance.

Step 3: Your Performance

Performances will occur during school time during the week of May 25 - 28. This is your final presentation and your performance will be video taped. The only audience will be adults & Tech Crew members who are all there to support your act. You'll have a few minutes to change into costume, warm up and get yourself ready. Following your performance you will be returning to class.

A few days after the final performance, parents will receive an invitation to view the full performance through their email. Again, we request that the full performance not be downloaded nor shared. However, parents/guardians will be able to request a copy of their own child's performance that they will be free to share (with agreement from other the parents/guardians of other children in the video).