
Athletics Philosophy: The philosophy of athletics in Saanich Middle Schools is to develop and grow physical, social, and teamwork skills that promote a lifelong interest in athletics as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Our philosophy is founded on the belief that by participating in athletics, students benefit from life lessons acquired through teamwork and personal growth, regardless of ability level.

We aspire to offer teams that are equitable, accessible, and fun––and to develop teams that provide a nurturing learning experience for participating students. We believe that athletics foster an environment that encourages a growth mindset, while building confidence, resilience, and leadership skills.

Our aim is to have a balanced approach to extracurricular sports––one that upholds the merits of competitive athletics, but also honours and values accessibility and inclusion in school teams. Part of this is acknowledging and supporting the time commitment and efforts contributed by volunteer coaches, who we depend on in order to offer our athletics programs to the many students of Saanich Middle Schools.

Playing Time:

We will provide both recreational and competitive athletic opportunities in a variety of school sports. In line with LIMSSA policies, playing time at the recreational level will be as equal as possible for all players.

At the competitive level, playing time may not always be equal for all players due to the nature of competition and sport. However, we will nurture the skills and growth of all players throughout the season.

Coaches will share their playing time views at the beginning of the season and clearly lay out their expectations with players, parents and their Athletic Director. Through this, an understanding will be met that is in line with SD63 Middle School Athletics philosophy.