Welcome to Mrs. White's Website

Email: swhite@saanichschools.ca

1000 x 5 Book Drive

We are having our annual book drive for the local 1000 x 5 project. This is an organization started by a former principal in Saanich, Daphne McNaughton, that gathers book donations for young children aged birth to 5 years old. If you have any books for young children that you are finished with and would like to donate them, please send them in to school with your child.

Research shows that children who are exposed to 1000 books by the time they are 5 years old, will likely be more literate than they would be without that exposure to books (being read to and reading themselves).

The books that are donated are redistributed to families on the Saanich Peninsula who don't have the means to buy books to have in their own homes. This is a highly successful program and Bayside has donated over 5000 books over the years. We are gathering books until February 14th as a way to promote the LOVE of READING!

Our goal this year is to be able to donate another 1000 books!

Please help us to help raise readers on the Saanich Peninsula!