About Div 9
About Ms. Coppen & Div 9
I'm incredibly excited to be back at NSMS! I love exploring the outdoors, trying different arts and crafts, and hanging out with my cat while gardening!
This year will be jam packed with learning, it's important to make sure you come to class each day ready to learn. That means bringing all needed supplies, a positive attitude and an open mind! Scroll on for more important information that will help you succeed this year.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
I look forward to meeting all the Div 9 students and families and an exciting school year ahead.
Karen Coppen
Email: kcoppen@saanichschools.ca Phone: 250-656-1129 Ext. 2207
Code of Citizenship
Please spend sometime at home reviewing the Saanich District Code of Citizenship. Here is the link. All students have rights and responsibilities to participate in and create safe and effective learning spaces. We will review this code in class and like in all middle schools in the Saanich District will follow the outlined "interventions and consequences" should choices or behaviours take away from our positive learning environment.