GDSE 584: Assistive Technology

Website for Kendra Danielson

Used to share resources and submit assignments

A little bit about me!

Currently I am working as an EA in a life skills program at a high school in SD62. Since I am still continuing with schooling at the moment, I did not want to take on my first year of teaching at the same time. Right now, I absolutely love where I am working as well as both the students and staff I have the privilege to work with! I am planning to stay with this program for at least one more year, and then start looking for a teaching role after that. The teacher that I am currently working with in our classroom is AMAZING and I am learning a lot about running a life skills program just from watching her and the way she does things. I like that I have this unique chance to "shadow" another special education teacher before I take on any such role myself. I have gotten tons of ideas and resources to use while also building up my knowledge and skills for when I start my teaching journey!