About the teacher

My name is Jessica Bambrough. I have my general degree in teaching as well as a fine arts degree with a specialization in applied theatre. I have taught grades 1-3 and 6-8. I have been teaching for 12 years now and love making a difference for students. This is my second year at Colquitz and was at Central Middle School for four years before I went on maternity leave. During my maternity leave, I married my long-time partner and I completed my masters in language and literacies to help my students develop strong skills in communicating (writing and oracy) and reading.

I am an active person. I enjoy playing volleyball, baseball and going on hikes with my family. My husband and I had our first child in October 2020. He is a ball of energy and loves our two large dogs.

Pre-pandemic I used to do a lot of community theatre in Victoria. I worked as a stage manager mostly. I have worked with many different companies including Victoria On Stage: Musical Theatre Society (VOS), Four Seasons Musical Theatre (FSMT), St. Luke's, and Gilbert & Sullivan Society. I have done a wide range of shows backstage and occasionally on stage too!

Please feel free to email or come by one day after school to introduce yourself or say hi. I strongly believe in communication between school and home to help foster a positive and supportive experience at school.