The District 54 Wellness Space

For Families

Mental Health Resources

Tips on how to keep your children in a school routine, what to look out for regarding anxiety and strategies that ensure success.

A series of short videos on reducing stress, anxiety in children, organization and resiliency.

Screening for signs of depression and suicide as well as resources for parents and students.

Local counseling centers and hotline information.

Videos, exercises and articles to keep a relaxed a mindful mindset.

Hand washing, respiratory hygiene and social distancing practices for all ages. 

District 54 Assistance & Support

If you are in need of food, you can make an appointment at one of our pantries.
Food Pantry website

Children from households that meet federal guidelines are eligible for free lunch and milk. Families can pick up lunches and milk on weekdays at their school.

The D54 Education Foundation sponsors a breakfast program, crisis fund and grants for children from financially struggling families to participate in extracurricular activities.

Reach out for Help.

Never hesitate to reach out to the social worker, psychologist or principal at your student's school. 

They can provide you with more information about the District 54 food distribution, free lunch program, D54 Education Foundation programs and more.

They will make sure your student and family gets the support needed to not only ensure your student's academic success, but the entire family's social-emotional well-being.

Psychologists-Social Workers-Counselors 2023-2024

Connecting Home and School

There are many ways you can continue both elementary and junior high level Social Emotional Learning outside of class time. Talking with your children will reinforce the social emotional life skills needed. These Home-School Connections are sent to families as students complete different units as part of our social-emotional learning curriculum. 

In May, elementary students discussed Seeking Help/Helping Others/Community. Junior high students discussed Change for the Betterment of Humankind.

Home School Connections for all units (in English, Spanish and Japanese) are available by clicking on the images below.

Family Togetherness

Alex Goreham, Clinical Supervisor and Therapist from Stenzel Clinical Services, discusses obstacles that childhood anxiety presents and how to be there for your children. 

Building a Happier Culture at Home

A positive attitude can be cultivated, with a little practice. Devin C. Hughes, keynote speaker and author, talks about tangible and practical strategies you can apply now to get on the highway to happiness.