Pack News


Members of the Glacier High Student Council tackled a service project to thank our local veterans at the veterans home in Columbia Falls by providing each of the 120 veterans at the home a pair of wool socks along with a thank you note. The Student Council partnered with Sportsman Ski Haus and Wigwam socks to bring a little joy to the veterans around the holidays. On December 11th, 8 members of the Student Council delivered the socks and spent time thanking the veterans for their service to our country and also wishing them a Merry Christmas. Senior, Matt Knuffke, stated, “As a member of generation Z, we often take for granted what has been given to us. We rarely think about what people went through to secure the world that we live in today. Talking with the veterans gave us an opportunity to thank those that secured the gift of freedom. It was an eye popping experience that will not be forgotten.”