Band Camp

Band Camp

August 7-9 & 18, 2023

Glacier High Band Members will be meeting at Glacier High School from August 7-9. All Band Members are encouraged to attend all practices and rehearsals. Any student unable to attend any of these practices should notify Mr. Barr with the reason, (758-8687, 406-212-3939, or

The major objective of band camp is to prepare our students for summer performances and the marching season. By meeting in the summer we can focus on individual needs, get a jump-start on the school year, and meet new friends. We will combine regular rehearsal activities, leadership building, social activities, and general fun to create a memorable experience students will enjoy.

What to wear? 

Comfortable clothes, appropriate for the weather, with good athletic shoes for marching. NO FLIP FLOPS!! 

What to bring? 

Water bottle, sun screen, instrument, lunch, and a positive attitude. 

What is the cost? 

FREE!! Come enjoy a great experience!!

Monday - DAY ONE

8:00 AM - Drum Major Meeting

8:30 AM - Student Check in: A table will be set up in the hallway at the music office, F-127. You will receive music, a flip folder, lyre, school instrument (if renting), choose a locker, and meet friends!!

9:30 AM - Marching FUNdamentals 

10:45 AM - Sectionals

12:00 PM - Lunch on your own

1:00 PM - Full Band inside, Color Guard outside

2:30 PM - Marching Rehearsal outside

3:30 PM - Full Band inside

4:15 PM - DONE!!


8:30 AM - Full Band rehearsal inside, Color Guard outside

9:45 AM - Marching FUNdamentals

10:45 AM - Sectionals

12:00 PM Lunch on your own

1:00 PM - Full Band Rehearsal inside, Color Guard outside

2:30 PM - Marching outside

3:45 PM - Band inside with color guard

4:15 PM - Done


8:30 AM - Full Band rehearsal inside, Color Guard outside

9:45 AM - Marching FUNdamentals

10:45 AM - Sectionals

12:00 PM Lunch on your own

1:00 PM - Full Band Rehearsal inside, Color Guard outside

2:30 PM - Marching outside

3:45 PM - Band inside with color guard


August 18th Performance - NW Montana Fair Parade (if there is one)

9:00 AM - Load buses at GHS

10:00 AM - Parade Begins

11:30 AM - Done!