December Edition

What is an Atomic Habit?

James Clear's work focuses on the theory that "If you can change your habits, you can change your life".

Good news

  • Changing our habits are easier than we think

  • We all can do this by "noticing, wanting, doing and liking"

  • Once we know our habit loop, we can make high frequency/low intensity changes to our lives to change our habits.

Listen to this two part podcast with Brene Brown..

  1. Part 1 -

  2. Part 2 -

The Habit Loop

We all have habit loops. But how do they form? And why do we need them? Is there a difference between good and bad habits? In this quick video, learn the basics of habit loops and how to get back “into the driver’s seat” of your own mind (and life!)

Unwinding Anxiety

In his book Judson Brewer talks about the foundation of how every habit is formed (positive or negative habits). The power we have over these habits comes from breaking down and understanding how they form.

1 - There is a Trigger

2 - There is a Behaviour

3 - There is a Reward

Understand this cycle helps you gain control on how to change your habits.

Questions to consider while you read or listen to these resources...

1) What do you do unconsciously in your life that contributes to outcomes you don't want?

2) How can you change your environment to make the positive habits easier to do?

3) How do you "optimize for the starting line not the finish line" - be process focused?

4) How can you bring the "reward" to your behaviour change into the forefront? How can you find "evidence" for what you believe in yourself?

5) How can you support your kids in creating positive habits?