Parent Information

Calling All Parents!

Parents are a vital part of the equation when it comes to raising responsible digital citizens. Educate yourself about your child's digital life - it is likely to be very different from what you experiences as a child. Keep the lines of communication open with your child, other parents and your child's school. Remember, it takes a village to raise a child!

Here are some websites that can help you feel more prepared!

Media Smarts is a Canadian not-for profit organization. Their website includes all kinds of information that is helpful to parents, including tip sheets and guides for navigating parenting in the digital age.

Common Sense Media is an American organization. The parent section of their website includes reviews of books, movies and video games, as well as what parents need to know about hot topics like cell phones, TikTok, Fortnite and Online Safety. Be sure to check out the "Parents Need to Know" section

This website has a bunch of "quick guides" to help parents navigate topics such as social media with kids.