Chapter Questions

Feel free to choose two or three questions to review for each chapter.

Week 1

Chapter 1

  1. Who was born with ‘adventurous hooves’?
  2. How many brothers does Flora have?
  3. Who is the runt?
  4. What was the highest point of the pig pen?
  5. What made “more noise and all the other animals put together”?
  6. Who was in the junk heap?

Chapter 2

  1. Who was “the white fur ball”?
  2. Who says, “I can come and go as I please.”?
  3. What does Flora say to Luna?

Chapter 3

  1. Who is Nessie?
  2. Who has been “getting ready for trouble”?
  3. Luna tells Flora that the dogs on this Farm are being trained. Trained for... What?
  4. What three things are the puppies exposed to in their first training?
  5. What has a “long, naked tail”?

Chapter 4

  1. Who says, “Rats in the rigging... time to tangle”?
  2. Who thanked Luna for killing the rat?
  3. How big was the rat?

Chapter 5

  1. What was Flora's newly invented game called?
  2. All of Flora's piglet brothers are cats in “Cats and Rats.” What two things does Flora use as stand-ins for the rats?
  3. Who slipped free from the pig pen?

Chapter 6

  1. What made Flora blink?
  2. What was the road made of?
  3. Flora races around under what kind of leaves?
  4. What does an explorer have to use when she's in “unfamiliar territory”?
  5. How many dogs made up the team?
  6. What color are Oscar’s eyes?
  7. When the cart started to roll again, Flora started to... what?

Chapter 7

  1. In Flora's words, what type of dogs does she come across on her adventure?
  2. Who says, “You are the bravest pig ever”?
  3. Who can't wait for next time?
  4. What does Flora tell Luna is “an excellent place for hiding”?
  5. According to Luna, cats can't wait to... what?
  6. And dogs can't wait to... what?
  7. In Flora's dream, her house was made of... what?

Week 2

Chapter 8

  1. According to Luna's tales, and octopus looks like... what?
  2. Whom did the farmer tie to the fence with a rope?
  3. What did the farmer use to lure Flora's brothers away from their mother?
  4. The farmer grabbed Flora by her... what?
  5. Who says, “Mama, I need you!”?
  6. Who says, “We are farm pigs, and farm pigs are not in control of their lives”?
  7. What makes Luna jump into trees?
  8. How did the farmers quiet down Nessie when she was having a tantrum?

Chapter 9

  1. Who inspired Flora's new game, “Feelin’ Kicky”?
  2. Who pretended to scramble away from the men?
  3. Who was shoved into a wood and wire crate?

Chapter 10

  1. What two things did the air inside the truck smell like like?
  2. Flora kept knocking... what... during the bump?
  3. What food was in Flora's cage?
  4. Roughly how many dogs were on the truck with Flora?
  5. What made Flora sleepy?
  6. When the truck stopped, what was put on Flora?
  7. What had “a thundering engine”?
  8. Where was Flora chained to a post?
  9. Who bellowed, “Slide out the gangplank!”?
  10. Who answers Flora, “Yep, we get on a ship and sail away”?
  11. What was the ship's name?
  12. Oscar tells Flora that they are going to be the first expedition to ever cross the... what?

Chapter 11

  1. Who told Flora, “You're like a mammal version of a frog”?
  2. What does Flora tell the orange cat that pig are known for?
  3. According to the orange cat, what is “never a part of a team”?
  4. Who is “the sheriff” of the dock?
  5. Who is Aleric?
  6. Where is “the hold”?
  7. What “doubled themselves by reflecting off the water”?

Chapter 12

  1. Now where was Flora chained?
  2. Where were the sled dogs?
  3. Why are the barrels strapped down?
  4. What type of cargo does Flora assume she is?

Chapter 13

  1. What was the first meal placed in her food bowl on the ship?
  2. What “pull training” does Flora come up with in the hold?
  3. Who ate Flora’s first meal?

Chapter 14

  1. Who had arm hair “as long and curly as a sheep's”?
  2. What does the ship's cook consider Flora to be?
  3. What has impossibly small, shiny eyes?
  4. Were there only three rats on the ship?
  5. What “didn't seem at all fair” to Flora, during her mealtime?

Chapter 15

  1. Who says, “Good morning, Delicious!” to Flora?
  2. How many bites of food could Flora eat before the rats moved in and ate her meals?
  3. What were the two stars that twinkle then blinked?

Chapter 16

  1. Who is getting hairier?
  2. In what conditions did Sophia grow up?
  3. Who wants to be Sophia's deputy?

Week 3

Chapter 17

  1. What happened when Flora pounced on the wooden boards of the ship?
  2. Who says, “How is my little ham bone doing, eh?”
  3. The wave of brown and gray flowing over the deck boards is actually made of what?

Chapter 18

  1. Who threatens to feed Sofia to the rats?
  2. How did Flora kick the rat king?
  3. Who says, “Two down, only two hundred to go!”?
  4. Sophia and Flora were responsible for killing how many rats?
  5. Where do Sophia and Flora drag the rat carcasses?

Chapter 19

  1. According to Amos, what is Flora's job?
  2. What does Amos use to make a new collar for Flora?
  3. Who shouts, “Do your job!”?

Chapter 20

  1. Who says, “I can't do it”?
  2. Who was “the lump” that Amos told had to catch rats in order to eat?
  3. Sophia tells Aleric that he can't catch rats with a... what?
  4. How many rats does Aleric need to kill before Amos give him another chance?
  5. Who takes the rope color off of Flora?

Chapter 21

  1. Who becomes the newest member of the rat killing team?
  2. Who flushes the rats out of hiding?
  3. Who witnesses Aleric, Flora, and Sophia using teamwork to kill rats?
  4. What threat does the ship encounter when it nears its final destination?
  5. The captain reminds Flora of... whom?

Chapter 22

  1. What locked up Flora's lungs?
  2. Who was holding on to one of Flora's hind legs?
  3. Flora pulled the captain up some steps with... what?
  4. Who shouts, “I have the captain! Don't leave yet!”?
  5. What was happening to The Explorer?

Chapter 23

  1. Oscar had to be rescued from... what?
  2. Where did Flora finally find Sophia?
  3. How many of the sled dogs survived?
  4. The shelter was made of... what?
  5. Through entire shipwreck tragedy, who remained very curious about the Antarctic?
  6. One word was used to describe the Antartic in every direction. What word?
  7. When Flora ventured out to explore some immediate camp surroundings, it was so chilly that even here... what... We're cold?
  8. What did the explorers eat for their first Antartic meal?
  9. And what did the animals eat?
  10. Who slept in the canvas roofed shelter?

Chapter 24

  1. What did Flora realize in the morning when she wanted to volunteer to pull a sled to get more food?
  2. What did Aleric button onto Flora?
  3. Before putting on a coat, Sophia was worried that Flora may turn into... what?
  4. Who mutters, “Cat hair…”?
  5. Ask her explains to Flora and Sophia that there is a “new project.” What's the new project?
  6. How far away is the first food station that was set up four months ago?

Chapter 25

  1. Which three characters sneaked outside together?
  2. Where are Oscar, Sophia and Flora heading?
  3. Who began to feel dizzy?

Week 4

Chapter 26

  1. Who says, “I'll start digging here”?
  2. Who says, “You're going to have to stay away from camp in this one-pig home for a few days”?
  3. Oscar is saving whose life?
  4. Who explains to Flora that she wasn't brought along to be a sled pig?

Chapter 27

  1. According to Sofia, “A sled dog has an unfailing sense of”... what?
  2. Who was food?
  3. What was “as warm as warm could be”?

Chapter 28

  1. Whom did Flora think about when she reminisced about being a piglet?
  2. Alone in her hole, Flora tried not to... what?
  3. Which two characters got left behind when The Expedition departed?
  4. What, according to Oscar, is like “medicine for a sled dog”?

Chapter 29

  1. Flora stopped dreaming of dog sledding. Instead she dreamed only of... what?
  2. Who made a homemade sled out of the lifeboat?
  3. After Aleric made the sled, who dreamed again about pulling a sled?

Chapter 30

  1. What does the captain suggest Aleric use to navigate?
  2. Who says, “Why don't we just eat the pig?”
  3. Why does the captain not want to eat the pig?
  4. Who is walking like a king?
  5. Who says keep him warm, pig?

Chapter 31

  1. According to Flora, “Getting rescued is good, if you're a”... what?
  2. Who says, “I can't believe a cat is lecturing a pig on being too independent”?
  3. Which two characters embark on a mission to get food without a sled?
  4. Where did Flora and Sophia spend the night?

Chapter 32

  1. What did Sophia and Flora find in the snow in the same place where Aleric andOscar had spent the night?
  2. Who could keep her footing on the long slope of sheer ice?
  3. Why did Flora sneeze?
  4. The “ice crystal field” reminded Flora of... what?
  5. When Sophia is paws started to bleed, what does Flora suggest?
  6. Who says, “Hey, watch the claws, Sheriff”?

Chapter 33

  1. Flora says that pigs are good at being... what?
  2. Who digs out a snow cave for Sophia and Flora?

Chapter 34

  1. How was Flora awakened in the snow cave?
  2. Where did Sophia ride?
  3. Who had a rattling in his throat?
  4. Who is “Aleric’s engine”?

Week 5

Chapter 35

  1. How does Flora correct the term sled dog in her mind?
  2. In the morning, who angrily says, “This is not a job for pigs!”?
  3. Whenever the sled got stuck, who helped pull while Aleric pushed?
  4. Who's had drooped “further and further”?
  5. Where did Flora feel “a glow of pride”?
  6. What was the dark shape in the Moonlight?
  7. Who asks, “Where's your team spirit?”
  8. Who says, “I think we're all aiming to be something better than what everyone thinks we were born to be”?
  9. Who snorts, “Cat but not a cat. Pig but not a pig. Dog but not a dog.”?

Chapter 36

  1. According to Oscar, what part of a sled pig's body should do the work?
  2. Who says, “Dance and shimmy all you want, pig... you did it”?

Chapter 37

  1. Why did Aleric apologize to the captain?
  2. How many weeks did they all rest?
  3. What did the captain take on his daily walks?
  4. Who “practically vibrated with energy” upon being back in a sled harness again?
  5. Once they caught up with the rescue party, and got unhitched, how did the other dogs connect with Flora?