Track and Field Policies and Procedures
RULES - The following rules must be followed at all times. Practice, Meets, Team Events, and anything outside of Track & Field we need to remember that the following rules will be followed at all time. You are representing the Oswego East name and logo at all times.
Proper track etiquette needs to be followed at all times. Be aware of others on track at all times.
Tardiness to practice are unacceptable. Students will report in designated area at the beginning of practice.
Warm-Ups and proper athletic attire will be worn at all times.
If a trainer visit is necessary the athlete will report at practice on time, then communicate with coaches her location and health plan.
Phones will not be allowed during practice. If a situation occurs that phone is necessary at practice athlete will communicate with coaches.
Headphones are not allowed during practice on the track or in the weight room. This is an IHSA rule for the safety of all athletes.
Bullying will not be tolerated to any degree. Students will report any issues to coach to handle. If a bullying situation occurs the coach will meet with athlete and notify parents.
Any other rules & regulations in question please refer to student handbook. Oswego East Track & Field follows the rules followed by the School & District.
Fill out attendance form on google classroom BEFORE 8th period on the day you are absent. If you know in advance you will be absent then fill it out immediately. The attendance form is shared on the Google Classroom.
If you will be absent, late, or need to leave early for any reason, it must be communicated through the Attendance Form. In some cases, a parent email will be required as follow up for an absence to be excused.
Contact your event area head coach and the head coach directly in the event of emergency.
Attendance Form/Written/Electronic (email) excuse must be provided in advance for all non emergency absences.
1. Illness (absent from school)
2. Family Emergency
3. Observance of Religious Holiday
4. Meeting with a teacher for academic reasons (however, athlete is to report directly to practice after the meeting, with a pass from the teacher).
PROVISIONAL ABSENCE – We will work with you, however, you must let us know well in advance.
1. SAT/ACT test prep courses
2. Drivers Education course
3. Band or orchestra concert
4. Vacations (planned prior to season)
5. Family celebrations (weddings, anniversary parties, etc.)
6. Orthodontist/Dental/Doctor appointments (please try to schedule around practice)
7. College Visits (please schedule before the first week of April 2023)
8. Leaving practice early for another commitment – you will have multiple things that are important happening on the same day for the rest of your life, here you can learn how to balance.
1. Oversleeping
2. Haircut appointments
3. Birthday parties
4. Concerts or professional/college sporting events
5. Extended Prom Weekends/Senior Skip Days
6. Vacation (soph-senior)
7. Job or volunteering
8. Staying home to do homework/working on a group project (should be scheduled around practice)
9. Practice for any other sport
10. Club/Activity (for example, missing practice for ‘radio club’ is unexcused)
11. Missing practice for any of the reasons listed under “provisional” without notifying coaches ahead of time
Athletes are expected to be at all practices and competitions on time. Weekday practices begin at 2:45pm on the track. Students arriving after this time should have a pass from a teacher. Weekend practices will usually start at 8:00am – practice times will be indicated on the shared calendar. Any student arriving after the scheduled practice time who does not have a pass will be considered tardy.
Athletes need to be prepared to practice both indoors and outdoors throughout the entire season. To start practice or meets, long sleeves and long pants are required for the warm up. Athletic attire and good shoes are needed for every practice and meet. A watch is optional, but recommended for our distance runners.
See the shoe buying guide below for more information on picking a good shoe or spike. Athletes new to track should talk with a coach before purchasing spikes.
We will travel to and from the meets together on the team bus. Athletes must wear their uniform and warm up top. Black bottoms are provided by athlete. Bottoms need to be all black. All Track and Field gear that is purchased is also acceptable to wear to meets. If athletes choose to wear garments under their uniform (compression shorts, tights, and long sleeved shirts), they must be all black.
The coaching staff will have lineups set the week of the meet (deadlines and entries differ per meet). Meet sheets will be shared via the Google Classroom. Time schedules and approximate event times will be shared when possible, but please note for most meets these are just estimates and are dependent on many outside factors.
The Track & Field meets are a time for your daughters to compete. That takes a tremendous amount of focus and mental preparation before an event. Please allow them the time to do that while we are at a meet. After the event it is vital that the coaches are the first to give immediate feedback to the girls. Once the girls have finished their event they need to remain near the finish area with their team until we have finished discussing their effort and they have completed the necessary cool down. Please note that spectators are not allowed on the infield during meets. The only exception to this is for field events in which spectators can be in designated High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Pole Vault, Shot and Disc viewing areas. Track meets can be very chaotic (especially at bigger meets), so please respect the host school's rules for spectators.
If an athlete is injured, attendance is still expected at practices and meets. If unable to run, the athlete can still keep in shape in a variety of ways under the advisement from the athletic trainer or doctor. If the athlete is taken out of participating by a doctor, please provide a note from the doctor explaining the nature of the injury. The athlete will not be able to resume participation until we receive a written notification from the doctor stating that the athlete is clear to do so. In case of injury, the athlete should talk to their event area coach first, the trainer next, and if necessary a doctor. Our coaching staff and training staff will work together to manage any potential injuries so that the athlete can keep practicing, training and competing. Communication from the athlete is the key.