Behavior System

Our behavior system at West Ridge strives to help students learn from their mistakes and to build the skills to make the best choices they can. Children need to be taught what it means to behave and what that looks like. There are several components to our comprehensive, explicit behavior system:


CHAMPS are our explict behavior expectations. For each setting your student goes to, there will be a set of CHAMPS expectation so they know how to behave. CHAMPS stands for:

C-onversation Level- 0 (silent), 1 (whisper), 2 (partner talk), 3 (group), or 4 (outside/recess); this varies depending on the setting

H-elp-We share how students can ask for help (i.e. raise your hand, ask 3 before me, etc.)

A-ctivity- Description of the task being done

M-ovement- Description of how students should be moving during the activity (i.e. in their seat, to get materials, going from station to station, etc.)

P-articipation- Description of what the students need to do be part of the task being done.

S-uccess- We did it!


Many of our long-time families will already be familiar with T.R.A.I.L.. In our behavior and support system, TRAIL serves as the character traits we want to instill in all Wildcats during their time at our school. T.R.A.I.L. stands for:

T-eamwork- Working together, helping other students or even staff. We see the importance of working with others and knowing you can't do it all alone.

R-espect- Showing respect to peers, staff, and our school. Honoring the differences and unique qualities of others.

A-ttitude- Coming to school everyday with a can-do attitude. Using a growth mindset to approach school and life positively

I-ntegrity- Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching

Learner- Trying your best no matter what. We want all students to have a love for learning and a passion for finding out about their world.

Parent Version West Ridge Behavior Response Process, 22-23

Our Behavior Response System is designed to support students through understanding how to do the correct behaviors we are expecting, helping them on how to repair the situation when they've not performed correctly and finally providing supports for students that do not have the skills yet to stay on track. Please see our flow chart to see the process we follow for our students.