Apprenticeships & Trades

WorkForce REady Grant

Interested in an Apprenticeship/Trade? Want to go to school for free? 

For more information: Workforce Ready Information

For a detailed list of qualifying programs: Workforce Ready Programs

The Workforce Ready Grant pays the tuition and mandatory fees for eligible high-value certificate programs at Ivy Tech Community College, Vincennes University or other approved providers. The grant is available for two years and covers up to the number of credits required by the qualifying program. 

Grant Programs:

Advanced Manufacturing

 Building & Construction

Health Sciences

IT & Business Services

Transportation & Logistics


To Apply for Grant: CLICK HERE



Occupational Outlook Handbook 

The Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) provides information on what workers do; the work environment; education, training, and other qualifications; pay; the job outlook; information on state and area data; similar occupations; and sources of additional information, for 325 occupational profiles, covering about 4 out of 5 jobs in the economy.

The OOH is broken up into clusters of similar occupations. In order to find an occupation, browse the occupation groups of interest on the left-hand side of the homepage, or use the A–Z Index if you know the specific occupation. You may search for occupations by using the selector drop-down menus on the OOH homepage. Select by pay range, entry-level education, on-the-job training, projected number of new jobs, or projected growth rate. If you know the specific occupation you are interested in, you may enter a job title into the “Search Handbook” box on the top right-hand side of the homepage. In addition, you may browse by clicking any of the three links titled “highest paying,” “fastest growing (projected),” and “most new jobs (projected).”

Although hundreds of occupations are covered in detail in the OOH, BLS publishes information on additional occupations for which the required education, training, median wages, and employment projections are prepared but detailed occupational information is not developed. 

Trades Apprenticeship Information  


2023-24 Scholarship Opportunity for Trade Schools