
COURSE OVERVIEW    I am not teaching Psychology this year (2023-20234)  See you in the future!

Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. The course is divided into eight content areas. History & Scientific Method explores the history of psychology, the research methods used, and the ethical considerations that must be utilized. Biological Basis for Behavior focuses on the way the brain and nervous system function; including sensation, perception, motivation and emotion. Development looks at all the changes throughout one’s life: physical, cognitive, as well as emotional, social and moral development. Cognition focuses on learning, memory, information processing, and language development. Personality and Assessment looks at the approaches used to explain one’s personality and the assessment tools used. Abnormal Psychology explores psychological disorders and the various treatments used for them. Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Behavior covers topics such as conformity, obedience, perceptions, attitudes and influence of the group on the individual. Psychological thinking explores how to think like a psychologist and expand critical thinking skills needed in the day-to-day life of a psychologist. 


Psychology Course Outline and Syllabus 2020