Expectations and Procedures

Be on time.

Be prepared.

Focus on the teacher.

Stay at a Level Zero during class, so all students can concentrate on their work.

Raise your hand if you have a question or comment.

Complete all of your work.


We will be using Class Dojo to track behavior this year. When students make good choices they will gain points, but if bad choices are made they can also lose points. To follow your child on Class Dojo, you can click this link.


Attendance will be taken at 8:00 a.m. like a regular school day. Students need to be signed in to the Google Meet that is provided by the teacher at this time and for the rest of the school day. It is required that students are in class via Google Meet from 8:00 a.m. to 3:05 p.m. They will need to participate in that virtual meeting and through Seesaw to complete activities.


It is important to keep track of your child's grades during this time to ensure that they are completing work. Grades will stay updated on RDS. If your child is absent, she or he will have 3 days to make up their missing work. Any other missing assignments will show as a zero in RDS and will impact the overall grade. Although you are at home helping your child, it is so important to make sure that they are completing their own work.

Copy of Rock Shared Google Meet Etiquette