Arden Post 16



Welcome to Arden at Stationers' Crown Woods Academy. We are delighted that you are considering continuing your studies here at our sixth form, and hope you will find all of the information here that you need. If you do have any additional enquiries please contact using QUESTION in the subject of the email.

The move from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 study can be a challenging one. In the absence of our usual programme we have provided students with access to all of our subjects in order to help students make a smooth transition into sixth form courses. Each subject has provided information about their course along with activities to complete over the next few weeks.

Our resources are available to all students, so if you haven't yet decided which courses you want to take in September, you can explore them all here.

Making the right choices

Choosing sixth form courses isn't a decision you should take lightly. The subjects you pick now can have an impact on what you do later. In particular, the courses you can apply to at university, which universities will consider you, and what will best prepare you for the career that you want. Even if you don't know what you want to do in the future, you can still make smart choices now. This will leave you in the best position possible for when you leave Arden in two years' time and embark on the next exciting stage of your life.

For more information on making the right decisions, take a look at this helpful guide to choosing A levels and BTEC subjects. You can also try entering your subject choices to find out where will my A levels take me?

Our school prospectus will guide you through the subjects that we offer here at Arden. To find our entry requirements for each subject, click here.

How to use this site

Subjects are organised by A level subjects then BTEC subjects. All subjects are in alphabetical order. Information about enrichment activities is on the co-curricular page.

To access the resources for each subject click on the hyperlink. You should aim to complete at least 3 of the tasks set by the subject, and bring them to the subject teacher on the first lesson in September.

Please ensure you do not edit any documents or add work to any of the folders. Take copies if you need anything.

We actively encourage you to spend time over the Summer holidays further exploring the subjects you are interested in taking. This could involve looking at the exam board specifications and past papers, watching documentaries or films linked to the topics you will study as well as visiting websites and other online activities connected to the courses.


Exam board: AQA

Accounting helps students to develop knowledge and understanding of the purposes of accounting and apply this to a variety of accounting problems. This course helps students to understand the responsibilities of the accountant and the impact of their recommendations on the business and wider environment.



Exam board: Edexcel

Art encourages students to be expressive and to explore the basic elements of line, tone, form, colour and texture in a thematic setting. It allows a personal identity and an opportunity to question how we live; our opinions and perceptions through practical means.

Resources: Art


Exam board: OCR

A Level Biology will give you an exciting insight into the contemporary world of biology. You will learn about the core concepts of biology and about the impact of biological research and how it links to everyday life. You will learn to apply your knowledge, investigate and solve problems in a range of contexts. Emphasis throughout the course is on increasing knowledge, developing competence and confidence in practical skills as well as developing problem solving.

Resources: Biology


Exam board: Edexcel

Business Studies applies theoretical knowledge and models to the commercial world. You will study the way small businesses plan and launch, analyse the strategies they undertake as they seek to grow as well as investigating multinational corporations and the very different set of circumstances, issues and strategic options which they face. This would provide you with a wide-ranging understanding of the different sectors of business in the UK and globally.

Resources: Business A level


Exam board: OCR

We offer an interesting and challenging experience to link key chemical ideas and understand how they relate to each other. You will follow an established and successful course that is dynamic, demanding and popular. You will develop transferable skills including investigating, problem solving, research, decision making, mathematical skills and analytical skills. Many universities see Chemistry as very desirable, particularly if you have a good range of A level subjects.

Resources: Chemistry

computer science

Exam Board: OCR

In Computer Science, students learn the principles of computation and algorithms, computer programming, machine data representation, computer systems (hardware and software), computer organisation and architecture, communications and networking, databases and the consequences of using computing.

Resources: Computer Science


Exam Board: AQA

Drama and Theatre Studies emphasises practical creativity alongside research and theoretical understanding. Students learn through experience, seeing theatre and making theatre for themselves. Students are introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as they explore plays practically, devise and work on performances. Students choose to develop as a performer, designer (lighting, sound, set, costume, puppets), director or a combination of these.

Resources: Drama


Exam Board: Edexcel

Economics is the study of the ways in which people, businesses and industries use resources. It covers a variety of topics, for example production, efficiency, macroeconomic policy, international economy, and market failure; each of these will teach you a lot about the society we live in today.

Resources: Economics

english literature

Exam Board: AQA (Lit B)

English Literature is a fascinating and challenging academic subject. You will study a range of different texts and literary forms, and analyse meaning, style and context. This will prepare you for university courses in English as well as a range of careers. You will develop an academic writing style and learn how to use a critical voice.

Resources: English Lit


Exam board: WJEC Eduqas

Film Studies aims to enable learners to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a diverse range of film, including documentary, film from the silent era, experimental film and short film. They study the significance of film and film practice in national, global and historical contexts, how films generate meanings and responses, film as an aesthetic medium and the different ways in which spectators respond to film.

Resources: Media and Film


Exam board: AQA

French is a demanding academic discipline that covers language, culture and society. You will study how French-speaking society has been shaped, socially and culturally, and how it continues to change. This will enable you to develop your knowledge and understanding of themes relating to the culture and society of countries where French is spoken, and their language skills. This will be achieved by using authentic spoken and written sources in French.

Resources: French


Exam board: Edexcel

Geography is a dynamic subject that makes direct use of examples drawn from contemporary events. Students explore and evaluate contemporary geographical questions and issues such as the consequences of globalisation, responses to hazards, water insecurity and climate change. Students will develop a variety of relevant quantitative, qualitative and fieldwork skills.

Resources: Geography


Exam board: Edexcel

History is a demanding academic discipline that covers wide ranging topics. You will study the history of a range of different periods and nations and analyse the political, social and economic trends and developments of these periods. This will enable you to develop a broad historical understanding.

Resources: History


Exam board: OCR

Law is an academic and challenging subject concerning the creation, interpretation and enforcement of the rules which underpin society. You will study both public and private law including criminal law and the law of tort (private claims such as the law of negligence). You will be expected to analyse and apply complex rules and also evaluate the fairness of English law.

Resources: Law


Exam Board: Pearson (Edexcel)

Maths is centered on problem solving, proof, reasoning and mathematical modelling. One of the overarching themes in the new specification is making concrete links between the different areas of Maths - pure, statistics and mechanics - and developing an understanding of how to model real-life problems using mathematical concepts. The huge impact Mathematics has on your daily life cannot be overestimated. This is what makes Mathematics such an interesting and varied subject.

Resources: Maths

FURTher maths

Exam board: Pearson (Edexcel)

Further Mathematics A Level is possibly one of the most challenging but certainly all the more rewarding choices of study in the Sixth Form. One of the overarching themes in the new specification is making concrete links between the different areas of Maths, to model real-life problems using increasingly more demanding mathematical concepts and to solve problems using a variety of skills.

Resources: Further Maths

media studies

Exam Board: WJEC Eduqas

Media Studies centres around applying an analytical framework (media language, audience, representation and context) which you learn through discussion, analysis and debating. You will develop a range of technical skills required for both constructing and deconstructing media products.

Resources: Media and Film


Exam board: AQA

Music teaches students to develop performance and composition skills and to further develop knowledge of a variety of music. The course is designed to extend the GCSE skills of performing, composing, listening and appraising. Throughout the course students also develop skills in the handling of music technology.

Resources: Music


Exam board: Edexcel

A Level Physical Education reflects today’s global world. Students engage with key issues and themes relating to contemporary global influences on physical education and sport. Students will develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance. You also study physiological, psychological and socio-cultural factors that impact performance and the role of technology in sport.

Resources: PE


Exam board: Edexcel

Photography is a practical coursework based subject which concludes with an exam where students independently produce a project and final piece. You will develop a broad set of skills and understanding and have the opportunity to experiment with a wide range of materials and processes to help you decide on your specialisms. You will study the history of photography and more traditional techniques and photographers alongside more contemporary and cutting edge artists and movements.

Resources: Photography


Exam board: AQA

Physics involves looking at the rules of the natural world and attempting to describe and explain them, especially mathematically. It is a subject in its own right and is a cornerstone for most forms of engineering and other relevant disciplines. You will be learning about a wide array of natural phenomena, including energy, forces, gravity, waves, resonance and electronics. You will learn and apply definitions, diagrams and formulas. You will also learn algebraic, statistical and practical skills.

Resources: Physics


Exam board: AQA

The course in Politics will enable students to develop a wide range of skills including the ability to comprehend, synthesise and interpret political information; analyse and evaluate political knowledge; identify connections, similarities and differences between the areas studied; select relevant material and construct and communicate arguments clearly and coherently using appropriate political vocabulary.

Resources: Politics

product design

Exam Board: AQA

This creative and thought-provoking qualification gives students the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers. Especially those in the creative industries.They will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design and technology, whilst enjoying opportunities to put their learning into practice by producing prototypes of their choice.

Resources: Product Design


Exam Board: AQA

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and human behaviour. Psychologists observe and conduct experiments to find out more about the way people act and interact. They try to understand what motivates, challenges or changes us and use this understanding to help us tackle personal and social problems. Psychology has recently been reclassified by the QCA as a science subject.

Resources: Psychology

religious studies

Exam Board: OCR

Religious Studies develops your understanding and appreciation of religious beliefs and teachings, as well as the disciplines of ethics and philosophy of religion. You will develop their skills of critical analysis in order to construct balanced, informed arguments and responses to religious, philosophical and ethical ideas.

Resources: Religious Studies


Exam Board: AQA

Sociology enables us to think in different ways about various aspects of life by examining the structure of society, social institutions and issues surrounding power and inequality. It allows us to understand everyday life as well as different groups in society. Through studying A Level Sociology you will learn to think critically and independently about society and your place within it. You will also develop an informed understanding of our rapidly changing world.

Resources: Sociology


Exam Board: AQA

Spanish course builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills gained at GCSE. It constitutes an integrated study with a focus on language, culture and society. It fosters a range of transferable skills including communication, critical thinking, research skills and creativity, which are valuable to the individual and society. The content is suitable for students who wish to progress to employment or to further study, including a modern languages degree.

Resources: Spanish

‘Teachers are very supportive if you need extra help or if you are struggling.’


‘High-quality teaching, combined with a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The support I received from the teachers was superb!’


‘Subject specialists are very knowledgeable and always open to answering questions.’


'I was taught to work hard and always aim high. The work ethic I honed in Arden is something I will always carry around with me. Also, the importance of independent study was emphasised which now helps me a lot.'


btec applied science

Exam Board Pearson/Edexcel

Applied Science is intended as an Applied General qualification for post-16 learners who want to continue their education through applied learning and who aim to progress to higher education and ultimately to employment, possibly in the applied science sector. The qualification is equivalent in size to one A Level and aims to give a coherent introduction to study of the applied science sector.

Resources: Applied Science

btec business

Exam Board: Edexcel

BTEC Business is for post-16 learners who want to continue their education through applied learning. It is equivalent in size to three A Levels and has been designed as a full two-year programme. The qualification aims to provide a wide-ranging study of the sector. It is designed for learners studying full time in the 16–19 age group, who wish to pursue a career in business, primarily via higher education to access graduate entry employment with businesses, or alternatively through junior business employment.

Resources: Business BTEC

btec health and social care

Exam Board: Edexcel

The new suite of health and social care pathways (Health Care and Health and Social Care) have been changed to produce an in-depth introduction to the many disciplines underpinning medicine and health and social care. The two-year programme is designed to introduce you to different health and social care sectors and provide the necessary theoretical and practical skills to embark upon a career, or enter Higher Education.

Resources: Health and Social Care

btec sport

Exam Board: Pearson

This qualification gives learners the knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin the study of the sport and sports coaching sector, and gives learners additional breadth and depth to prepare them fully for further study or training. This includes the opportunity for learners to choose several topics from a selection of options reflecting progression in sport and sports coaching.

Resources: Sport

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