Gong cha Santa Clara

Boba Tea in Santa Clara!
Outside of Gong Cha Santa Clara

If you love bubble tea, come visit Gong Cha Santa Clara!

COVID Conveniences:

There is at-the-door ordering so if you are visiting the store in person you will be expecting that. They only allow card or apple pay so when you get there you tell them your order, there is an apple pay/card machine at the door and they bring out your order and place it on the table for you.

Gong Cha is available for contactless services as well! You can order online and pick up at the store and they also provide delivery services like DoorDash.

The indoor seating is closed so only togo orders are available, you can sit at the chairs available in front of the store.

Masks are required when ordering at all times. Masks and gloves are also worn by the employees. Hand sanitizer is also available for customers.

This restaurant recommendation created by Santa Clara High School Culinary Student: Christine P. Fall 2020