Ms. Reilley


Welcome to U.S. History

Hello and welcome! I am looking forward to sharing this year with you. What a great time to be studying American history. My goal for this class is to help you develop the skills and knowledge that will help you understand the world around you. We will do that by looking at the events, beliefs and decisions that have gotten us to where we are today. Relevance and engagement will be our highest priorities.


Click on the video above for a goofy introduction from me. It's my first attempt at imovie.

About me

My name is Ms. Reilley and this is my 16th year teaching at JFK. I am also a mom and my sons are 9 (Martin) and 12 (Simon). In addition to teaching and parenting, I am also working on an E.d.D., which is a doctorate in education. In my spare time, when I have it, I like to run, listen to podcasts (preferably at the same time) and relax with my family.