The Legacy of Redlining in San Jose, CA

How a historic system of mapping has shaped the development of urban neighborhoods in the 21st century, and the consequent long-standing health implications for communities of color.

Welcome students! We hope you will take some time to navigate through the pages of this site, and interact with the supplemental learning material.

Education is a fundamental element of social justice work and advocacy, but is by no means the finish line. We acknowledge that our positionality as white students of a private institution (Santa Clara University) limits the insight and credibility we bring to this conversation. Everything we learned through the process of launching this site we learned from people of color (hence all the citations and links!). We hope this can be a launching point for you as you learn more about the history of redlining in our community. We also hope that this inspires you to turn to your own community leaders of color* for guidance and leadership as we work towards a better future together.

*In case you need some ideas, turn to our "Get Involved!" page for some advocacy org recommendations or to our "Resources" tab to get acquainted with amazing research and commentary created by people of color.