Practical Nursing
Practical Nursing
Welcome to the Smyth Career and Technology Center's web page for practical nursing! The video below will give you a brief overview of the program. You can find the instructors, contact, and additional information below.

Program Application
Part I - References
You will need to submit 3 References.
This information will need to be submitted for us to use in evaluating whether you will be admitted to this nursing program.
Print three forms to be completed by three different people that you wish to use as a reference.
These references can only consist of former or current employers, supervisors, co-workers or business associates.
High school applicants:
Your references should consist of current TEACHERS, GUIDANCE COUNSELORS, and/or a PERSON FROM WORK (if applicable).
References should NOT include relatives, close friends or acquaintances, or neighbors. REFERENCES OF THIS KIND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
Part II - Application
Click the "SCTC Nursing Application" button when you are ready to apply. (You will need information such as references, education and employment history if applicable.)