5 Senses

Artifact Description

Introduce the five senses to students during a warm up.

Introduce the learning targets for the lesson.

Use Wordwall puzzles.

Choose quirky and interesting images to engage the student in both discussion and writing.

On this page:

  1. Link to 5 Senses Google Slide deck

  2. Writing and Speaking goals

  3. Example of graphic organizer and image

  4. Links to Wordwall strawberry dogs warm-up activities


Explain that this framework helps students to think in terms of the five senses. Explicitly tell students that it can be a useful tool for producing writing.

Test a quirky image yourself, just to see how much one could produce under each of the sense categories. Sometimes the images are so much fun to use, but they are challenging when trying to extract a sensory category from them.

Sometimes students can create full categories of words, but then they neglect to use them when putting a sentence together.

Do you want to view the presentation before making your own copy? See below.

Viewer Google Sites copy CATEGORY SORT 5 SENSES

CAN DO Statements

Writing goals are highlighted for this task

CAN DO Statements

Speaking goals are highlighted for this task.

Graphic Organizer

Fill in each category to find words that describe the image. Include the image to help students find ways to describe it.

Image of two

strawberry dogs

Image prompt and writing prompts