7th Grade Homework Calendar

This page lists the homework assignments and in-class videos for 7th Grade Ancient History, grouped by week. For particular handouts, study guides, and other useful information, visit the "Useful Files" page. Click the down arrow next to each week to view the assignments for that week. 

*Note: The date shown is the date the homework was assigned, not the day the homework is due.*

Q4 Week 1: March 18-22

Monday: (Rome, Ch. 1 in class); Finish worksheet on Ch. 1 if not finished in class and; Ch. 2 - read and take notes!

Period 4: Remind yourselves of proper participation in class by giving me: 1 paragraph on expectations of students during class discussions, 1 paragraph on expectations of students during group work, and 1 paragraph on the 3 most significant contributions from ancient Greece to the modern day.

Tuesday: Ch. 3 - read and take notes!

Wednesday: Ch. 4 - read and take notes!

Thursday: Ch. 5 - read and take notes!

Friday: Ch. 6 - read and take notes!

Q4 Week 2: March 25-29

 Monday: Review Chs. 1-6

Tuesday: Ch. 7 - read and take notes!

Wednesday: Ch. 8 - read and take notes!

Thursday: Finish worksheet on Ch. 8; Ch. 9 - read and take notes!

Friday:  NO SCHOOL

Q4 Week 3: April 1-5

Monday: Testing (Periods 1-3);  Study for Rome Unit 1 Test next Monday!

Tuesday: Testing (Periods 4-6); I will not see you today because of testing!

Wednesday: Study for Rome Unit 1 Test next Monday!

Thursday: (Testing Periods 1-3); Study for Rome Unit 1 Test next Monday!

Friday: 5th period: 1 paragraph on proper behavior expectations during review games due on Monday; Study for Rome Unit 1 Test on Monday! 

Q4 Week 4: April 8-12

Monday: Rome Unit 1 Test in class; Ch. 10 - read and take notes! 

Tuesday: Finish Ch. 10 worksheet; Ch. 11 - read and take notes!

Wednesday:  Ch. 12 - read and take notes!

Thursday: Ch. 13 - read and take notes!

Friday: Ch. 14 - read and take notes!

Q4 Week 5: April 15-19

Monday: Finish worksheet on Ch. 14!

Tuesday: Ch. 15 - read and take notes!

Wednesday: Ch. 16 - read and take notes!

Thursday: Ch. 16 Worksheet -  Primary Source on Pompeii Disaster! Read & answer questions!

Friday: Ch. 17 - read and take notes! Worksheets on Roman Army/Trajan due next Tuesday!

Q4 Week 6: April 22-26

Monday: Ch. 18 - read and take notes! Worksheets on Roman Army/Trajan due Tuesday!

Tuesday: Finish worksheet on Gladiators & Colosseum 

Wednesday: Ch. 19 - read and take notes!

Thursday: Ch. 20 - read and take notes!

Friday: Study for Rome Unit 2 Test next Thursday!

Q4 Week 7: April 29-May 3

Monday: Study for Rome Unit 2 Test on Thursday!

Tuesday: Study for Rome Unit 2 Test on Thursday!

Wednesday: Study for Rome Unit 2 Test on Thursday!

Thursday: Rome Unit 2 Test in class; NO HW - R&R Weekend!

Friday: HALF DAY (Field Day)

Q4 Week 8: May 6-10


Tuesday: Ch. 22 - read and take notes!

Wednesday: Ch. 23 - read and take notes!

Thursday: Ch. 24 - read and take notes!

Friday: Worksheet on Christianity due Monday!

Q4 Week 9: May 13-17

Monday: Ch. 25 - read and take notes!

Tuesday: Ch. 26 - read and take notes!

Wednesday: Study for short Rome Unit 3 Quest tomorrow!

Thursday: Rome Unit 3 Quest in class; Study for final exam next week!

Friday: Study for final exam next week!

Q4 Week 10: May 20-24

Monday: Study for final exam this week!

Tuesday: Final Exams Periods 1-2

Wednesday: Final Exams Periods 3-4

Thursday: Final Exams Periods 5-6

Friday: Last Day of School; Enjoy Summer Break!

Q3 Week 1: January 8-12

Note: all students will receive an ancient Greece textbook upon returning to campus on Monday. They will get their ancient Rome books later on this semester!

Monday: Ch. 1 in class (Ch. 1 worksheet due tomorrow); Ch. 2 - read and take reading notes!

Tuesday: Worksheet (Mythology) - read, annotate, answer questions!

Wednesday: Ch. 3 - read and take notes!

Thursday: Ch. 4 - read and take notes!

Friday: Ch. 5 - read and take notes!

Q3 Week 2: January 15-19

Monday: No School - CIVIL RIGHTS DAY

Tuesday: Ch. 6 - read and take notes! Finish worksheet.

Wednesday: Study for Unit 1 Test - Period 5: One paragraph discussing the reasons why we have a dress code at SPA.

Thursday: Study for Unit 1 Test

Friday: Study for Unit 1 Test

Note: next week we do not have school due to Barrett Jackson; your test will fall on the following Monday! Please study!

Q3 Week 4: January 29-February 2

Monday: Unit 1 Test in class; Ch. 7 - read and take notes! 

Tuesday: Ch. 8 - read and take notes! 

Wednesday: Ch. 14 - read and take notes! 

Thursday: Ch. 9 - read and take notes! 

Friday: Ch. 10 - read and take notes! 

Q3 Week 5: February 5-9

Monday: Ch. 12 - read and take notes! 

Tuesday: Ch. 11 - read and take notes! Period 4: One paragraph on the importance of being quiet and paying attention to your teacher during class. Remind yourselves of classroom expectations!

Wednesday: Ch. 15 - read and take notes! Finish worksheet on Ch. 12 (if not finished in class); Get progress report signed 

Thursday: Ch. 13 - read and take notes! 

Friday: Worksheet - Pericles' Funeral Oration (read and answer questions due Monday)

Q3 Week 6: February 12-16

Monday: Ch. 16 - read and take notes!

Tuesday: Study for Unit 2 Test

Wednesday: Study for Unit 2 Test; 5th period: one paragraph on the reforms of Solon and Peisistratus due tomorrow!

Thursday: Study for Unit 2 Test

Friday: R&R Weekend - Enjoy!

Q3 Week 7: February 19-23

Monday: No School - PRESIDENTS DAY

Tuesday: Ch. 18 - read and take notes! (Ch. 17 in class)

Wednesday: Ch. 20 - read and take notes! 

Thursday:  Ch. 19 - read and take notes! 

Friday: Ch. 21 - read and take notes! Finish worksheet on Ch. 19 due Monday

Q3 Week 8: February 26-March 1

Monday: Ch. 22 - read and take notes! 

Tuesday: Ch. 23 - complete backside of worksheet!

Wednesday: Finish worksheet on Plato

Thursday: Ch. 24 - read and take notes! 

Friday: Ch. 25 - read and take notes! 

Q3 Week 9: March 4-8

Monday: Ch. 26 - read and take notes; video worksheet due tomorrow!

Tuesday: Study for Unit 3 Test

Wednesday: Study for Unit 3 Test

Thursday: Unit 3 Test in class; Read Epilogue and be prepared for a short quiz

Friday: None - have a great Spring Break!

Q2 Week 1: October 16-20

Note: Altered schedule due to conference week - I will not see every class every day!

Monday: Documentary in class; worksheet due when documentary is finished (likely Friday).

Tuesday: Documentary in class; worksheet due when documentary is finished (likely Friday).

Wednesday: Documentary in class; worksheet due when documentary is finished (likely Friday).

Thursday: Documentary in class; worksheet due when documentary is finished (likely Friday).

Friday: Read Ch. 5 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Q2 Week 2: October 23-27

Monday: Read Ch. 6, take notes and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Tuesday: Complete worksheet due tomorrow.

Wednesday: Read Ch. 7, take notes and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Thursday: Study for Egypt Unit 1 Test next week!

Friday: Study for Egypt Unit 1 Test next week!

Q2 Week 3: October 30-November 3

Monday: Study for Egypt Unit 1 Test tomorrow!

Tuesday: Egypt Unit 1 Test in class; Read Ch. 8, take notes and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Wednesday: Finish Ch. 8 Worksheet; read Ch. 9, take notes and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Thursday: Read Ch. 10, take notes and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Friday: Read Ch. 11, take notes and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Q2 Week 4: November 6-10

Monday: Finish Ch. 11 worksheet due tomorrow; read Ch. 12 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Tuesday: TBD (worksheet?)

Wednesday: Read Ch. 13 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Thursday: Read Ch. 14 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Friday: No School - Veterans Day

Q2 Weeks 5 & 6: November 13-21

Monday: Finish Ch. 14 worksheet; read Ch. 15 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Tuesday: Period 4: 1 sentence each describing the key feature of the reigns of the following pharaohs: Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Amenhotep III and Akhenaten

Wednesday: Finish documentary tomorrow (documentary worksheet due tomorrow); study for Unit Egypt Unit 2 Test next week!

Thursday: Study for Unit Egypt Unit 2 Test next week!

Friday: Study for Unit Egypt Unit 2 Test next week!


Monday: Egypt Unit 2 Test in class; Read Ch. 16 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Tuesday: None - Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!

Q2 Week 7: November 27-December 1

Monday: Read Ch. 18 and be prepared for a reading quiz! Finish Ch. 17 worksheet due tomorrow (chapter read in class).

Tuesday: Read Ch. 19 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Wednesday: Read Ch. 20 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Thursday: Read Ch. 21 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Friday: Read Ch. 22 and be prepared for a reading quiz! Ch. 21 & 22 Worksheet (including frontalism assignment) due next Wednesday!

Q2 Week 8: December 4-8

Monday: Read Ch. 23 and be prepared for a reading quiz! Ch. 21 & 22 Worksheet (including frontalism assignment) due Wednesday

Tuesday: Read Ch. 24 and be prepared for a reading quiz! Ch. 21 & 22 Worksheet (including frontalism assignment) due Wednesday

Wednesday: Begin reviewing for midterm exam and Egypt Unit 3 Quest next week (study guide for Unit 3 Quest is located WITHIN the midterm study guide as "Egypt Unit 3")

Thursday: Begin reviewing for midterm exam and Egypt Unit 3 Quest next week (study guide for Unit 3 Quest is located WITHIN the midterm study guide as "Egypt Unit 3")

Friday: Timeline Assignment due Tuesday (will have time in class on Monday to work on this!)

Q2 Week 9: December 11-15

Monday: Timeline Assignment due Tomorrow!

Tuesday: Study for Egypt Unit 3 Test this week!

Wednesday: Study for Egypt Unit 3 Test tomorrow!

Thursday: Egypt Unit 3 Quest in class; Study for Midterm Exam next week!

Friday: Study for Midterm Exam next week! 5th period: one paragraph on the city of Alexandria (using the textbook AND your video notes) due on Monday

Q2 Week 10: December 18-22

Monday: Study for Midterm Exams this week!

Tuesday: Study for Midterm Exams this week!

Wednesday: Midterm Exams in class (periods 1-2)

Thursday: Midterm Exams in class (periods 3-4)

Friday: Midterm Exams in class (periods 5-6); Have a great Winter Break! We begin Greece in January! 

Q1 Weeks 1 & 2: August 3-11

Thursday: Get last page of syllabus signed and returned tomorrow; complete handout on archaeology (McCauley's classes are short textbooks and students will not have them until later in the week or next week - these readings will be due later)

Friday: Read Ch. 2 and be prepared for a reading quiz (take reading notes - quizzes are open note!)


Monday: Finish Ch. 2 Worksheet (located in "useful files" page); read Ch. 3 be prepared for a reading quiz!

Tuesday: Read Ch. 4 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Wednesday: Finish Cuneiform Activity (located in "useful files" page); read Ch. 5 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Thursday: Read Ch. 6 and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Friday: Print out study guide (located in "useful files" page) and bring it to class on Monday; study for Mesopotamia Unit 1 Test next week!

Q1 Week 3: August 14-18

Monday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 1 Test this Wednesday!

Tuesday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 1 Test this Wednesday!

Wednesday: Unit 1 Test in class; Read Ch. 8 (SKIP CH. 7 FOR NOW) and be prepared for a reading quiz!

Thursday: Read Ch. 9 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Friday: Read Ch. 10 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Q1 Week 4: August 21-25

Monday: Read Ch. 11 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Tuesday: Read Ch. 12 and be prepared for a reading quiz; finish Ch. 11 worksheet!

Wednesday: Read Ch. 13 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Thursday: Read Ch. 14 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Friday: Read Ch. 15 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Q1 Week 5: August 28-September 1

Monday: Read Ch. 16 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Tuesday: Read Ch. 17 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Wednesday: Read Ch. 7 and be prepared for a reading quiz

Thursday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 2 Test; Bring colored pencils to class tomorrow

Friday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 2 Test; Bring colored pencils to class on Tuesday!

Q1 Week 6: September 5-8


Tuesday: Timeline Assignment due Thursday (only 5 events minimum to be colored - reduced from 8 on the assignment); bring colored pencils to class today and tomorrow

Wednesday: Timeline Assignment due Thursday (only 5 events minimum to be colored - reduced from 8 on the assignment); Study for Mesopotamia Unit 2 Test (Study Guide in "Useful Files" page)

Thursday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 2 Test

Friday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 2 Test

Q1 Week 7: September 11-15

Monday: Read Ch. 18 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Tuesday: Read Ch. 19 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Wednesday: Finish reading excerpts of "Genesis;" STOP at "Exodus 1."

Thursday: Read Ch. 20 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Friday: Finish reading excerpts of "Exodus;" be prepared to discuss next week!

Q1 Week 8: September 18-22

Monday: Finish Judges handout; prepare for a closed-noted quiz on Genesis, Exodus & Judges (today) tomorrow! 4th period: answer questions on back of handout and write 1 paragraph summary of story of Samson due tomorrow.

Tuesday: Read Ch. 21 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Wednesday: Read Ch. 22 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Thursday: Read Ch. 23 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Friday: Read Ch. 24 and be prepared for a reading quiz; finish Ch. 23 worksheet (to be collected next Tuesday).

Q1 Week 9: September 26-29

Monday: NO SCHOOL - Fall Recess

Tuesday:  Study for Mesopotamia Unit 3 Test on next Monday

Wednesday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 3 Test on next Monday

Thursday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 3 Test on next Monday

Friday: Study for Mesopotamia Unit 3 Test on next Monday

Q1 Week 10: October 2-6 

Monday: Unit 3 Test in class; Read Egypt Ch. 1 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Tuesday: Read Egypt Ch. 2 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Wednesday: Read Egypt Ch. 3 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Thursday: Read Egypt Ch. 4 and be prepared for a reading quiz.

Friday: None - Enjoy Fall Break! We will pick up with Egypt Unit 1 when you return to campus!