Greek Project Resources
Quarter Three Project: RECITATIONS
As a recitation, you will obviously be memorizing and reciting Greek, and you choose which Homer epic (Iliad or Odyssey).
You also need to translate your passage, creatively, artistically, clearly. Have fun with it!
ROUGH draft due Friday, February 7th; FINAL draft due on the day of recitations (last week of the quarter).
You're welcome to submit additional drafts for feedback, but you are not required to do so.
Quarter Four Project: FOOD PRESENTATIONS
Q2 Mythology Prep for the Medusa Mythology Exam (Q4): is updated: "CHARTING THE HEROIC JOURNEY": Myth Skit! scripts, research outlines and notes, a map, and individual MC quiz questions.
Some of you forget that there are OTHER resources: like this and also this (hyperlinks!), and especially the Meridian Classical Handbook et al. in my room...
Mythology groups!
1. Logan, Donald, Alfredo, Brandon
2. Michael, Allison, Gavin
Topics (chosen) by group (numbers corresponding to group numbers):
1. Jason, Aeneas, Trojan War
2. Theseus, Odysseus, Bellerophon
Aeneid, "books 1, 3, 6"
Iliad, "especially books 20-21"
Bibliotheca, "3.12"
Fabulae, "92"
Odyssey, "especially books 8-12"
Life of Theseus
Iliad, "book 6"
Bibliotheca, "2.30-33"
Quarter One Project: "Modern Relevance" of Greek
Sept 11: Logan (cowboy poetry)
Donald (Prometheus)
Michael (rhetoric)
Sept 18: Alfredo (hubris)
Gavin (Hero)
Sept 25: Allison (Pandora)
Brandon (architecture)
fortasse Ms. H (stars)