5th-8th May

Hello boys and girls,

We hope you all had a nice Bank holiday weekend and are keeping well. This week our work is based on the theme of Pets. We hope you enjoy the activities that we have set out.

We have included lots of work so please pick and choose what suits your child and family circumstances. There is no obligation to complete all the work.

You may send some photos or an email to your teacher on Friday if you wish. Parents please don’t hesitate in contacting your child’s teacher if you have any queries.

Kindest regards,

Carol, Sue, Eileen and Sarah


I spy: How many cats, dogs, fish etc can you see?

Animal Legs sorting activity - You can print this out and cut and stick accordingly


Oral Language: Look at the Pet Shop image and answer the following questions:


Click on the link below to access a story called: Dave the dog is worried about Coronavirus. Read this story to your child. It reminds children about how to be safe and not to worry.

Pupils reading :


Use this link to access Jolly Phonic books with words containing /s/ /a/ /t/ /p/ /i/ /n/.

Scroll down on the homepage until you see the image below:

Ask the child to try to sound out the words in stories: Nan and Ann Snap, Pat and Pip, An Ant.

These sounds are covered and pupils should now practice putting the sounds together to form a word.


Listen to the sounds on this Jolly Phonic video , sing the song and practice the actions each day

Room 4: Stop at 9.06

Room 5: Stop at 6.27

Room 6: Stop at 6.28

Room 7: Stop at 6.22

Watch this Alphablocks segment and see if you can make some of the words with your sound cards

Give this blending game a go with a grown up


Draw a picture of your pet or favourite animal and try to label your picture e.g.

Try to write what the animal is on top and label its parts ( if you can’t sound out /t/ /ai/ /l/, just the initial letter is perfect!!) Circle the sound you felt you wrote the best.


SESE (History/Geography/Science)


Watch the video about different kinds of pets below.

Select your favourite pet from the video and talk about why they’re your favourite.

STEM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Maths)

Can you create a zoo for some animals? You can use anything that you might have at home - lego, blocks, building materials, marla or art materials…….let your imagination guide you.

SPHE (Social, Personal and Health Education)

Sleep meditation with animal adventures : Lie down or sit in a comfortable position and breath in and out slowly listening to the clip below

Try some “Food Dudes” activities at home

P.E (Physical Education)

An animal inspired HIIT workout

Arts Education (Music, Visual Arts, Drama)

Music: Sing, dance and move like an animal to I wanna be like you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GokDMNue2Xc

Lyrics available at:


Art - How to draw a cat

RE (Religious Education) if applicable

St. Francis of Assisi was the patron saint of animals and the environment. He lived at the turn of the 13th century. His father was a wealthy merchant but Francis gave all his money to the less fortunate. Stories of St.Francis have talked about a time when a bird built a nest in his hand.

Here is an image of Francis to colour in if you feel like it and a link to images of colouring pages if you wish to print http://clipart-library.com/clipart/19-kc8aEkzcr.htm