Northern California teachers and administrators, join together to Get Started with Ethnic Studies. This conference will inspire, educate, and build your professional network as districts across Northern California begin the process of developing courses designed to meet the new Ethnic Studies graduation requirement.  

Session Topics include: 


Lok Siu is a professor in the Ethnic Studies Department at UC Berkeley and is currently completing a manuscript tentatively titled, Chino Latin@: Recovering Hemispheric Asian America, which explores the transnational connections among Asians in the Americas within the context of coloniality, geopolitics, and competing nationalisms. She is also expanding her interest into food studies and working on an ethnography tentatively titled, The Food Truck Generation.


Opportunities will be made available for administrators and teachers to meet in person with their region during the keynote networking and on Saturday at lunch to discuss the local context of Ethnic Studies implementation. 


Breakouts will include student and teacher panels, Ethnic Studies content experts and organizations, as well as county and district leads. 

 Questions about the conference can be sent to Matt O'Donnell