
Registration for 2024-2025 is OPEN!

Register soon to avoid paying the late fee! Registrations after August 31st, 2024, will incur an additional late fee of $50. Registrations after September 6th, 2024, will incur an additional late fee of $75. This deadline helps our program secure bulk rates on textbooks, prepare catechists during the summer, and allocate appropriate (limited) classroom space for each grade level.

Early registration is advantageous, especially in required sacramental years (Grades 1 & 2 and 7 & 8), because a class will close when maximum enrollment is reached.

Please register by AUGUST 31st, 2024.

Forms are available through:

Thank you for your continuing support. We are honored to help your children grow in our shared faith!

Click here to complete the ONLINE Registration Packet (2023-2024)

Click here to complete the ONLINE Registration Packet (2024-2025)

Calendar 2024-2025

Click here to make your ONLINE payments. 

Please consider class scheduling conflicts before registering. SCL R.E. classes for Kindergarten through 7th grade are held on 23 Sundays during the school year from 9:00 - 10:30 AM. We ask students to make up missed lessons; however, it is not possible to make up the intangible spiritual experience and the dynamic of trust in the group that students have in their classrooms.

Two Grade 7&8 class time options (Confirmation Preparation Year 1&2):

When registering incoming Grade 8 child(ren) for R.E., PLEASE check your family calendar to ensure that your child(ren) will be able to attend the majority of classes and special Confirmation preparation events.

* The Archdiocese of Chicago requires R.E. Grade 7&8 students to attend the majority of classes and events in recognition of the spiritual commitment required for the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

2024-2025 Tuition Rates for Grades K-8

One child: $195

Two children: $295

Three or more children: $395

Additional Fees - Sacramental Programs 

GRADE 2  - Additional Sacramental fee per one student: $80

GRADE 6  - Additional Bible fee per one student: $20

GRADE 8  - Additional Sacramental fee per one student: $80

Additional Fees

Non-registered parishioners* additional fee: $200

(* A registered parishioner has a Parish ID #, attends Mass at St. Catherine Labouré on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, contributes by using Church envelopes or online Give Central, and volunteers in Church activities.)

Late fee for payments made after August 31st, 2024 $50 (for returning families)

 Late fee for payments made after September 6th 2024 $75 (for all families)

YOU WILL BE SENT TO A PAYMENT PAGE WHERE YOU MAY PAY BY CREDIT CARD OR DIRECTLY FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. If you already have a GiveCentral account, you can sign-in as usual and pay from there.

To pay by check:

If you are paying by check, please make payable to: St. Catherine Laboure Parish - Religious Education. Thank you! 

PLEASE NOTE: Payment is due in full at the time of registration or by 8/31/2024 to secure registration.

Please send us your registered child's Baptismal Certificate!

Send a scanned copy to or just bring a paper copy with you to the R.E. Office or Rectory for our records. If your child was baptized at SCL, please still provide us a copy of the Baptismal Certificate. With over 1,000 registered SCL families, it is faster if all R.E. children's baptismal certificates are provided through the R.E. email or in-person to the R.E. office. Thank you for understanding!

Did you know you can also scan documents with a smartphone camera?

iPhone or iPad "Notes" app:

Android "Google Drive" app:

Have a question or suggestion? Please ask us or let us know!

To contact the Religious Education Department, please use our Contact form here.