
Playground footage.mp4

Opening of the playground

Lip-Sync Battle.mp4

Winter Spirit week 2020

Website Copy of Announcements template 11/30 for GC

Food Drive:


Greetings Scio Community,

Scio Student Council is working with the Scio Fire Department for our annual food drive this year. Given the current circumstances, the food drive will look a little different, but the goal will remain the same. The Student Council would like to challenge our high schoolers to fill the bed of a pickup truck with food. The dropoff location will be active every Thursday (December 3rd, 10th, and 17th) from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Baptist Church. Students collecting donations will be wearing masks and gloves to ensure safety measures. When you are dropping off your food, please inform the drop off location of your grade/students’ grade to be counted for spirit points.

Let’s raise as much food as possible for the community members in need.

Together we are Scio strong,

Scio Student Council