Software & Resources


Our Internal Software Projects

  1. Markov chain Monte Carlo for use on clusters (MPI and OpenMP): MCMC_CLIB.
  2. ABC uncertainty quantification: UQSA.
  3. R script to convert SBtab files to vfgen: SBtabVFGEN.

Other Parameter Estimation Packages

PESTO, parameter estimation toolbox:

  1. For matlab: ICB-DCM/PESTO.
  2. For Python: ICB-DCM/pyPESTO


writing and Editing of sbml models

  1. Copasi, a GUI Software that supports sbml
  2. SimBiology, a matlab toolbox to create models and export to sbml
  3. SBToolbox2, another matlab toolbox for systems biology
  4. IQM Tools, next version of SBToolbox2


  1. iVUN, a systems biology network visualisation tool

Web-based tools

  1. SBtab, an extensible table format that can be converted into sbml online